Pretty colors!!

Apr 11, 2005 11:33

Woohoo!!! So yeah...lets see yesterday was kinda busy in the aspect of homework. lol I had to write my paper for comp on Globalization, picking a specific country to discuss the positive and negative effects of it...etc. So yeah...I woke up at like 1:30 and started on that again since I at least had the introduction typed from Saturday. Then later around 6 I met with Caryn, Diana, Paul, and Adam (my Anthro group) and we continued working on our anthro project in Caryn's room. We figured out what to do with the board...and tried working on the text...but that wasnt working out very well! lol We were being more creative with the board more than anything. We eventually made a run to Wal-Mart to get stuff for the board and ended up getting: Crayola Poster Paints, Metallic Gold paint, sponge brushes, more multi-colored jewels (to add to the ones i already had), and glue for the jewels. So yeah...thats where the pretty colors comes in! :P I'm liking the painting the board and stuff, because we at least need to make it visually awesome if it might not be textually awesome. lol Compensate and hopefully we will get a good grade from Napora!! Cause its not like we are all gonna grade each other badly on the peer grading...that would just be stupid! SO yeah...then after that around 10 Diana, Paul, Adam, and I meandered over to Andros for food because we were all starving! We ate then I came back here and worked on my paper some more and eventually finished it...took long enough thats for soooo tired of reading about globalization, americanization, and politics, etc. So yeah...that was about it for my sunday...woot. I was supposed to hang out with Paul (for those of you who know him as brasilian Paul, lol) but that didn't happen, I had wayyy too much crap to get done. So eventually after my paper was finished i made my way to the shower at like 3:20 am and then came back here and listened to Simple Plan as I winded down to go to sleep. I have been listening to SP- Still Not Getting Any alot lately. Love it!!!

So for today I went to comp, and we started editing our papers for our next assignment, the portfolio. Turns out I get to sleep in on wednesday though because she cancelled class so we can study for the re-take of our MLA documentation quiz. SO yeah that should be nice!! Amazingly enough, with as much as she NEVER cancelled class before...she has been cancelling it quite a bit im not complaining! lol Well I'm off right now to go and get ready for Diana to come over so we can start painting our board for the anthro project. OH yeah I almost excited!!! I am liking this whole being busy (minus the fact that alot of its homework...i hate that part!) Its soooo much better than being all blah because i have absolutely jack shit to do! yaysies!! Tonight Jaimie, Naomi, and I (and whoever else goes) are going to go see a sneak preview showing of A Lot Like Love (that new movie with Ashton Kutcher and Amanda Peet) and then tomorrow I get to go see...dum da dum...TIGER ARMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY IM SOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!! But I have to go eat now...i shall share my ecstatic-ness more later! Plus I have to go paint our project board! woot!!! Arrivederci!!!
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