May 17, 2010 23:33
Been a few bad days in a row, and to top it all off? My insurance company refuses to pay for my medication unless they get authorization from my doctor first. Now this strikes me as a little strange. This practice has never made any bloody sense to me. These are things you cannot get without a DOCTOR PRESCRIPTION. So why is it that the doctor then has to build a case to give a drug to a patient? Since when are the insurance companies doctors? Oh right, they aren't they are just fucking bastards.
So while I am waiting for my insurance company to get it's thumb out of it's ass, I have to sit here and suffer in pain. Fantastic. Really I'm thrilled. You can see the joy in my face. -bites something-
In all my infinite wisdom today I decided to go ahead and try to do my excersizing despite the fact that I have had days of pain, and it was bad today too.. well now I feel like I've been thrown down a flight of stairs, and then run over by a truck.
Seriously, I better not have to go through this every time I need a new refill of cymbalta. This is bullshit.