Dec 22, 2003 21:09
So first and always I love...
I love my children, no matter how mad I get at them.
I love my Julie, even thoguh I am not always all I should be for her.
And I love my family, even when they seem to want to destroy me.
I have had a lot of good times lately but it has been colored by Stress and pain. I have being hurt by those I am close to...
The gravity of my conviction is only equaled by the depths I will plumit to.
I have been stabbed, and it hurt, shot at and it scared me, beaten until I could no longer crawl....
but none of that hurts as bad as the pain of words from those you trust with your love.
2 banannas, 1 cup of milk, 4 giant scoops of cookies dough Ice Cream, blender, mots of noise and mess later and we have bliss.....
Time to tuck the demons in...
and to all a good night,