5.21- Two Minutes To Midnight

May 07, 2010 00:00

I'm starting this late. Blame heavenvhellvus. We've been on Skype for over an hour.

Anyways...I seriously cannot believe the season is over next week. Seems like just yesterday Dean was stabbing Ruby in the gut (that bitch. I cheered like no other when that happened)
But yeah...
AWESOME Episode.
Sam and I were singing Jensen's praises on Skype, because seriously? Boy did good tonight. (Kim would be damn proud of our boys)

So, here we go:

+ Starts off with Sam and Dean arguing. but it's not a 'bad' argument. it's more of one of those 'i'm the big brother, you stfu and listen because i'm older. nuff said.'
"But Dean!" "Don't you Dean me!". Then the phone rings. "We are not done here."
Love my brotherly shit ♥

+ Dean's phone rings and it's Cas...in the hospital. "Wanna elaborate?" "The doctors thought I was brain dead." He's in a hospital bed banged up to shit (and ngl, hot) saying he hurts and wants pain pills.
"I'm incredibly...human."
(lemme take this second to say Human Castiel? TOTAL fucking win.)
"You said no. I owe you an apology. You're not the burnt and broken shell of a man I thought you to be." "Thanks...um...thanks."

+ The boys go to find Pestilence "I guess that's Dr. Evil's lair."
Inside is just people..dying. projectile vomiting, blood, everything. it ain't pretty. The closer the boys get, the sicker they get until they grip onto each other and fall over right infront of Pestilence's door.
"Sam! Dean! *Sam passes out* Come on in..."

+ Pestilence starts telling them about his plans, blah blah. "Gotta show God that he's wrong...one epidemic at a time." Dean's trying to reach for the Knife, but Pest steps on his hand and kicks the Knife away. He's about to hurt them when Cas comes outta nowhere. "Took a bus."
"There's not one speck of angel in you." "Well, maybe just one speck." Cas grabs the knife and cuts off Pest's finger, getting the ring. a demon that was in the room jumps Cas and he stabs the knife into her. Like i said, total win.

+ Back at Bobby's, he tells them that he knows where Death is and then Crowley comes and tells them about Bobby selling his soul (kiss and all!)
The boys are out by the car getting ready when Dean sees Sam wants to talk.
"You think i'm too weak to take on Lucifer. Well, So do I. Bobby, You, Cas, you're all better than me.I'm the weakest of all of you." He says that there's no other choice but to say yes. "I don't know what else to do except what's gotta be done." *Crowley pops up* "Aaaaaand, Scene."

+ Cas is with Bobby getting ready. "This is what they mean by the 11th hour? Well, this is the 11th hour and i'm useless. *raises gun* What do I do with this?" "You shoot it. Are you really gonna bitch to me?"

+ All 5 outside are gonna split up; Bobby, Sam and Cas go to find the vaccine, Dean and Crowley go to find Death. Before leaving, Crowley gives Bobby his legs back (negl, I teared up)

+ Dean and Crowley are looking all over and don't find him until Chicago. "He's in there." "How do you know?" "Have you met me? I know."

+ Back to Sam, Bobby and Cas, some of the demons at the vaccine factory infected human workers, so Croats begind attacking. Sam keeps saving every human he can while he and Bobby kill off as many croats as possible. Before the leave, One rushes Sam and is choking him and Bobby's out of ammo. Someone head shots him and Cas walks in. "Actually, these things can be useful."

+ Crowley had given Dean this scythe looking thing that could kill Angels, Demons, etc etc. He's walking up behind Death when it starts burning in his hand and he drops it. Death gets it and they sit at a table to talk. Dean's all wtf because Death's just eating pizza and not trying to kill him. "Think of how you would feel if one small bacterium sat at your table and got snarky. I'm as old as God. Maybe older." "This is way above my paygrade." "Just a bit."

+ Death tells him that he doesn't want to kill him, he just wants the chain off his neck, Lucifer has bound Death to himself. "I'm more powerful than you could even process and i'm enslaved to a bratty child having a tantrum." Death says that if Dean can get rid of Lucifer (and thus his hold on Death) he'll let Dean have the ring. "But under one condition. You're going to let your brother jump right into that firey pit."
Dean's face is just...priceless. You can see how torn and anguished and just plain fucking scared he is. He says yes. "I mean a yes, Dean. You can't cheat death." Dean assures him he means Yes and Death gives him his ring.

+ Driving back to Bobby's house, Dean fills Cas in on Sam's plan. Cas says it's actually not a bad idea, but Sam would need to drink waaaaaaay more demon blood than ever before to strengthen the vessel. (Says Luci drinks gallons of it every day) At the house, Dean's talking to Bobby.
"How'd it go at the Rockettes Audition?" "High kicks good, boobs need some work." Bobby says he was walking up and down the steps all night just because he could. They start talking about Sam. "I ain't saying Sam isn't ass-full of character defects." Saying that yeah, he's got darkness in him, but he's got a lot of good too. Bobby was watching him as he got people safely out one by one. "He's been running into burning buildings since he was what, 12?" "Pretty much."
They think he really could have a shot at it.

"What exactly are you afraid of? Losing. Or losing your brother?"

Ok, I thought this was an awesome episode. Fucking great acting all around. But I think I speak for everyone in saying that Death's scene was pure genius. It was one of the best scenes in the entire show. It had friggen O Death in the background and just...it was amazing. A++

Also, OHMYGOD the promo....
Luci!Sam is AWESOME. Jared fucking kills it. I'm so excited. I've seen that damn promo like 10 times (With Sam on Skype for most of) as we dissect it. The first chunk is all Lucifer speaking. the end is def. Sam...it's like two complete different voices and everything and I NEED THIS IN MY LIFE.
also..god, Dean ;-;

dean/sam=otp, sam mutherfuckin winchester, sam and dean are love, supernatural, uncle bobby is beast, flailing, oh boys, cas and dean are eyefucking again, sam's my bitch, asdfghjkl;, i can't even, omg show, ohmygawd, squeeing, ep review, dean is a bamf, cas demands respect bitches, dean loves his sammy, castiel does not play, lucifer is a gqmf

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