next time you point a finger, i'll point you to the mirror.

Oct 15, 2009 16:06

UPDATE! I'm Going!!! *g*

AND I do have my ticket! what had happened was... when I went to Florida for a week back in August, the ticket was delivered and so my brother hid it so my dad wouldn't find it. He forgot about up until 5minutes ago when he found it while cleaning out a drawer. I'd smack him if I wasn't so happy.

Ok guys, I have a choice to make and idk what to do! D;

Tomorrow is a Paramore concert in a town 15 minutes away.

my friends and I were all planning on going together...
but i'm the only one who actually ended up buying a ticket
(they couldn't because Parents said no, they didn't have enough money, etc. etc.)

But here's the thing.
I had misspelled my street name when buying the ticket online (I live on Meadow, but I typed Meado) so I never got my ticket, even though we were billed for it.

My mom called the place today and said that as long as I have proof of purchase, they can duplicate my ticket so I can go to the concert tomorrow.

So here's my dilemma:
I was already set on the fact that I couldn't go, me and my mom were just gunna go see Zombieland tomorrow, but now I Can go. BUT, I'll be going alone. totally alone and it's standing room, so no seats...

So, do I go see my absolute favorite band in concert alone, or skip it (and prolly not get my 35 bucks back)???
and I have like...until tonight/tomorrow to make my decision.

what is this fuckery, aaaaaangstfest, what even is this, omfgwtfbbq, paramore, dani needs to stfu sometimes, i heart my flist, music is epic love, fuck this shit, asdfghjkl;, real life is real, dani's ranting again

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