Senior Year and Cuteness

Sep 27, 2009 03:39

Hi guys!
:)'s 3:50 am, and i'm like 70% sure i'm getting sick (Ive had a sore throat and runny/stuffy nose all day) but i'm actually doing pretty damn great.

Today (well...yesterday now) was my dad's bday, so the entire side of his family went out to dinner with us.
I summed it up quite well in a text to my friend Will.
So 11 Cubans and my 1 German uncle walk into a Portugese bar...this sounds like a bad joke waiting to happen.

But it was actually fun. My mom, my aunt and I all shared a pitcher of Sangria, so that made my night a bit smoother.

Also, Friday was my Senior BBQ at my school..and it was actually pretty damn fun (even though the 'popular' girls were acting like total and complete sluts. Guys were literally making a line to get a 'lap dance' from them) *sigh*
ah well, me and my friends hung in the corner like the misfits we are, and i wouldn't have it any of way ♥

Thats a picture of the entire senior class. I'm on the bottom left on the ground in the white shirt with 3 of my friends on top of me :P

ANYWHO, the REAL reason for this post...under the cut:
(Taken from Colin's twitter)

Alrighty then, g'night to anyone still up, and good morning/afternoon to everyone else!!!
*hugs all around*

senior year, jared is a 5yr old, squeeing, the cute is too much, omfgwtfbbq, supernatural, dani needs to stfu sometimes, weechesters, jensen-fucking-ackles, real life is real, sick dani is sick

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