Nov 29, 2006 21:44
I was thisclose to quitting today at work. I seriously was SO mad and pissed off. The management really needs to get their act together. They're more concerned that my room look spotlessly cleaned, rather than getting my children calmed down enough to nap or working on other curriculum related activities. It's getting absolutely ridiculous. I have no time to do curriculum things with my kids, get things put up on the walls, make new wall games AND get my room cleaned. If Melisa wants me to get all that done everyday then she HAS to come help me. There really is no other option. It's not possible to get all that done and still feel like the kids are actually seems like all they're learning is how to clean, though. AAAGH! I definitely was close to tears all day at work and finally let loose while talking to my sister afterwards. I just feel like I'm completely inadequate with the way that she talks to me. I just really desperately want to be in a school system. I feel like that would be MUCH more organized. Plus, it's what I've always wanted to do anyways. That might be part of my frustration. But seriously, something is going to have to be done....otherwise, I'm just going to give myself a heart attack!!
On a side note, why do all the female celebs feel the need to give us crotch shots?! Sick! Do they really think that's kosher? It's pretty trashy!!!