Mar 28, 2010 14:41
So I'm having the best weekend ever, ok not ever but the best weekend Ive had in a really long time. I got to watch Twilight New Moon yesterday night yeah I know the movie came out last fall but I didn't want to see it with all the crazy screaming girls fawning over "Edward & Jacob". It was awesome way better that the last movie not in story line because Twilight was way more interesting a read than New Moon but it was better because the movie was just done better technically and visually. The effect were perfect the action was so cool and the characters looked great save for Jasper whose hair was horrid. I like how they dealt with the problem of Bella's delusions of Edward by making him this like ghost figure instead of just a voice too. I just love it more and more every time I think of it. Did I mention how beautiful it all was. I did notice he used a lot of tight close up shot and that was kind of weird but I loved the movie so much Thank you Chris Weinz and all the actor you rocked it. Now I'm really excited to see Eclipse because I like that book much better than New Moon of course because their is more Edward in that one and I mean he's the perfect man save for the vampire that never dies thing.
And today I didn't get to watch scary movies in the morning but I did get to sleep in. I changed my sheets, washed laundry, folded, cleaned, made my schedule for study and working on my portfolio, and now I get to read to my hearts content.