When You Take Something That Isn't Free Its Called Stealing

Sep 23, 2010 18:26

Ok so since there's been FC stuff going on, Coral, Tiara and I have been ranting and raving about the drama surrounding it. I'll save everyone from a repeat of my last rant and just get to the point since i'm sure most people now know my stance on this issue.

Coral and I came up with a perfect analogy of what these fans who want FC stuff for free sound like to us.

Ok now anyone who really knows me knows i'm a HUGE Hello Kitty fan. I have a shit load of things that have her face on them, including the toaster that toasts her face on bread.

So I go into a Sanrio store and I see the new Dr Martin boots they're selling with Hello Kitty on them. Omg I so want them, but once I look at the price tag I think, yeah not for that price, so not worth it. But then I think, Wait, I love Hello Kitty, I have so much other stuff with Hello Kitty on it. I support the brand in other ways so basically I'm entitled to these boots! Even though I don't have the money for them I find my size and head for the door. These boots are mine!

But once I get to the door, someone stops me. "You have to pay for those" How do I reply?

Well I of course give them my whole life story as to why I can't afford these boots "I have to go to school. And i work for minimum wage at a crappy ass job. You don't understand! I can't afford these boots but i still want them!! I need them!!"

His reply? "I don't care. IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD THEM YOU DON'T GET THEM"

My Reply? "I don't understand why you're getting all dramatic about this. I mean these boots arent even worth it. Its not a big a deal if I just walk out with these. Who cares? They aren't worth the price tag"

His reply? "If they aren't worth it then why are you trying to steal them?"

Stealing from a band you claim to love. How sad.
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