"Evacuated from the siege of Leningrad, was killed in Nizhny-Novgorod."

Jul 08, 2014 21:01

Оригинал взят у seti_nn в "Evacuated from the siege of Leningrad, was killed in Nizhny-Novgorod."

"нарушены права человека на жизнь ..."
"Violation of the right to life ..."

Russia: Society.

"Evacuated from the siege of Leningrad, was killed in Nizhny-Novgorod."

"Killed for two apartments".

"Yes, the inhabitants are not animals of course. But they are not people either".
This is a quotation from: "I am honored!" - a novel by Valentin Pikul, a Soviet writer. He lived and worked in Riga, Latvia.
"Racketeering, money demanded for free treatment. The woman died. No one has been punished."

My mother told me: "Russia is a wild country, and there are savages living in it."
My mother, Efanova (Birashevich), Ludmila Nikolaevna, died suddenly in hospital.
Mother was admitted to hospital accidentally.
After injection by a district doctor.
My mother never complained about her health. She worked. She caught a cold at work.
She needed sick-leave. She went to the clinic:
Clinic 34, Soviet district in N-Novgorod, state doctor Agraeva, Valentina Viktorovna.
Mom had been evacuated from the siege of Leningrad. Her work experience was 52 years.
Her family was from East Prussia, now part of Poland.
Her father’s parents went missing during the Shoah (the Holocaust, World War II).
Their names are immortalized on the Yad Vashem Memorial.
Mom was in the Jewish religious community of Nizhny Novgorod.
In the hospital, staff began to extort money from me for a free treatment.

Head of The Department of Surgery of the hospital 35: Doctor Teremov, Sergei Anatolevich.

I made a dictaphone recording.
The surgeon Teremov said to me: "I need only money", "You said: I would give any money for mom",
"Anything might happen, the woman is old, her heart is old too",
"She has lived for three days due to our efforts, otherwise she would have died",
"I do not know, we do not have a ‘private shop’, if you want to, bring some money",
"Nobody, except for me, who already knows her from the inside, will tell you",
"The team ended up saving her life, that's all".

The doctor took money: 25 thousand rubles.
My mother and I were in the hospital for the first time in my life. "Who and how much?" I do not know.
Later some people told me I gave too little.
At first I did not have time to pay a doctor. As I haven't paid in extremely short time as they demanded. Mother called me that evening, and asked: “Why do the doctors not treat me?”
I reassured my mother. How could I do otherwise?.
But at five o'clock in the morning, my mother called me to the hospital. She felt bad.
I knew: the hospital staff were trying to make me pay.
The staff defiantly did not come to help her for one and a half hours.
I was standing behind the wall of the hospital room, but I was not allowed to go inside.
Doctor Teremov did not say anything about this incident.
He only asked for money.
Other doctors tell me about my mom: "She is healthy, very active ..."
I did not give permission for an autopsy. It was done without my knowledge,
Permission for the autopsy was signed by the chief doctor of Hospital 35, N.-Novgorod.
My mother's body had been transported to another hospital.
I did not know anything about it.
Then the doctors began to ask for money for a funeral. Hospital morgue No. 5 Nizhny Novgorod.
The funeral firm at the Hospital was like a conveyor. Money for treatment, money for funeral.
My mother’s cause of death and time of death were changed on several occasions!
The staff had detested my mother and me. Maybe because my mother was Jewish.
In the evening, when my mother and I agreed to meet, the staff chased me out of the hospital, my mother did not show up, her cell phone was turned off. The police have not found it so far.
In the morning they told me: Your mother died suddenly this morning.
Strange people became interested in my mother’s real estate. My mother had two flats.
Maybe this is the reason for her death.
The Russian law enforcement agencies, prosecutor's office and investigative committee took more than six months to investigate my claim.
The case was closed on 15.07.2013. My mother died on 22.11.2012, according to the official version.
This was just buying time.
The first investigation was closed on 26.12.2012(!).
The Investigative Committee did not notify me for more than three months!
They did not give permission for an exhumation or a second autopsy.
My mother's body is evidence. Evidence must be destroyed.
The Ministry of Health in N. Novgorod refused to communicate with me.
Nobody was punished. This is Russia.
I wrote to the Russian President, V.V. Putin, with NO result.

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