
Mar 14, 2013 16:21

I have achieved much today! I love when I feel accomplished and I can tell you that I rarely feel this way. Got our taxes filed(getting enough back to get TONS of things done that are needed.), ate breakfast out, went to the library and got the second book to the Cronus Chronicles by Anne Ursu (young adult book but quite entertaining!), got groceries bought (everybit of it healthy!!! Yay), and cleaned some here at the house. Thought I would hop on here to write, while the baby is asleep and before his siter gets home!

Yes I am on a HUGE health kick lately....which is a good thing for everyone here really. Nates parents are both diabetic, so they are suppose to eat good for you foods, it drives me nuts when they eat a bag full of potato chips and icecream in one sitting...bluh! I weigh 180 pounds I would be happy at 150. I was a size four a long time ago, but i would be fine at a size 8. I need to get on the ball!

I want to marry Nate and we have been talking about it a lot lately. His divorce will be filed next month and then we wait six months. So next spring I could be 150 pounds! I found the dress I want at Davids Bridal! Lol, apparently I love the chiffon look....who knew!

Well enough for now, I will post more later perhaps!
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