Aug 17, 2012 15:14
No I am not missing. I have been here, just not posting. The last month or so has been beyond stressful, that I didnt find time to write, read or even think. Ok, I thought, but too much about things that really didn't matter. I will be leaving the drama and such out of this entry, I am in too much of a good mood to want to write about it. I am sorry to all of my LJ fans who I have been silent on their pages...I did think of at least commenting, but was thinking negative so much, that I probablly wouldn't have been the greatest person to have comment on your pages! But I am good now. :)
I am officialy as of yesterday, due in three weeks. The doctor does not think that I will make it to September. I hope I do, August is so full of birthdays and such that it would be nice to have something happen in September for a change! I am excited and so is Nate. Yet we have nothing prepared, but this weekend I think we are going to get everything ready, or as ready as possible.
This morning Nate sent me a text saying " Babe, you are the greatest lover, wonderful-responsible mom, smart, strong healthy woman with a great personality. For the life of me I am surprised that you are with me, but I am glad that you are".That melted my heart to butter and made be realize how much of a witch I can be to him, when I am everthing he has always wanted and he is everything that I have always wanted. I feel blessed, I feel that God put us together at the time he did for a really does feel this way.
Hannah has started Kindergarten. I am so excited for her as this year she gets to do things outside of her classroom, such as p.e., music, art, and computer class. She is too smart to sit and learn things she already knows. So to get to do things other then things she has already learned she can expand her learning. Which I believe means that she will really thrive this year in school. Fingers crossed!
Well, Nate will be home from work shortly and the kiddo off the bus at four, so I shall take my pen and paper and go out and wait for them. Thinking I want to write a story or poem....then again, I have this strange desire to want to draw too. I haven't sketched since I was like 14, so its all lost to me!
Its good to be back! <3