been a long time

Sep 27, 2010 10:04

So it's  been years since I've posted anything here. Mostly because I  have a child, probably, and then I got sucked into the world of facebook a couple years ago and have been playing with short updates and total lack of anonymity, as opposed to the more prosey stuff I used to write here for myself and a few strangers. Will anyone notice my return? Remember my voice? Does that matter to me? Not a lot, but I'd definitely enjoy some comments from long lost Live Journal writers whose lives I've lost track of.

Mostly I was missing this space for recording thoughts--real ones, both positive and negative (the tyranny of cheerfulness on facebook wears on me). And I want to work on image galleries again.

Basic life update: I have the same job (program officer for a humanities council--helping applicants apply for grants is my main task, although I have many others), but have increased responsibility, seniority, and some new projects that are mine to oversee, including a group-blog called The Public Humanist.

My art production has changed a bit. I used to make a lot of dolls and puppets--now I'm making more images, small block prints, paintings, and drawings. I collaborate as a contributing artist with Double Edge Theatre in rural W. MA. For them I get to do large scale stuff. It's fun--one of the most meaningful community art experiences I have had.

I have fallen in love with Leo Tolstoy and am reading Anna Karenina. It's a joy in my life. I have taken up guitar and have pushed myself to sing in front of other people.

My son, Otis, is five and has entered kindergarten this year.
