Jul 29, 2014 20:10
I just re-found the photobooth pictures and now I’m severely down. I looked at them and just said, out loud, “Oh yeah, this isn’t a thing anymore.”
Just as well. Couldn’t afford to have a girlfriend right now, anyway.
I would have at least liked to have known that something was wrong.
Hard to believe that was only 3 months ago. Not even. 2 and a half.
Still coping with being unstably poor at age 32, and I'm not okay with it. Hours cut, people telling me I should be grateful, the usual.
I hate the idea that I understand so much more and yet so much less as I grow up. Shouldn't they counterbalance one another?
I'm sorry if I've ignored you these past 3 weeks. I have had a lot of time to do anything but sleep and not eat and look for other jobs and cry and watch all the DVD boxed sets I have saved because they're here. I'll probably get rid of them when I have to.
I come home after a 7-hour shift and still say to myself "I can't buy anything, even food, after 5 days."
How did she come to call me a liar and a manipulator?
I talk like I expect you all to answer these questions for me. Don't. I'll sip my stolen liquor and dream of creative endeavors I can't live up to.
You're all spectacular.