Oct 12, 2009 11:01
This weekend has been most excellent ^_^
Friday there was:
Dinner and meeting up with peoples at the pyramid brewery. And I found another beer I like! Hung there for a good while, and ended up closing the place down. Felt a little bad when the staff started stacking the chairs around us ^^;;
Saturday had no pants!!
Ok, well not for the whole day. Daytime I went shopping-buddy-ing with Neko to the Concord mall where we defaulted with Mexican food (lol), walked around, I bought a scarf, we giggled about everything and nothing, and got Neko's car errands taken care of. Was a most satisfactory way to spend the day!
Saturday NIGHT had no pants ^__^ Which you should all know by now is my favorite state of being. Some friends were having a "no pants" house-warming party ^_^ I wore my pinstriped corset, a black button down, black boy-short undies, and HEELS. Also red lipstick! There was a pit-stop at a halloween store for a top hat for Stacy and we played dress up and headed for Berkeley. I love no pants. . . did I mention that? Party had awesome people, most excellent noms, and 3 kinda of margaritas. Success!
Sunday was sonic boom ^___^
Fleet week started on Saturday so yesterday Stacy, her momitta, and I went into the city to see the Blue Angels fly, eat delicious things, drink awesome stuff, and smile at sailors. Yay sailors! The Blue Angels were awesome. They do some fantastic stuff over the Bay and over the city's skyscrapers. Those are some insanely talented adrenaline junkie pilots! Then there was wine tasting (which i still kinda fail at, but i try!!), early dinner that was made of delicious at McCormik's and Kelleto's, and irish coffee at the Buena Vista. Then a cable car ride from Ghirardelli to Powell with some of the most entertaining characters I've ever been on a cable car with. The conductor was amusing in and of himself, but a group of teenage (15/16) asian guys jumped on and omg they were amusing. Singing along together to their ipods at top volume, making "hold my pole, share my pole" jokes, offering to drive *shakes head* somehow they were charming rather than obnoxious. Also HILLS ARE SO FREAKING ABSURD. So yes Sunday ^_^ Awesome day, not nearly enough sailors. I guess I'll just have to go looking later this week (darn.)!
Today we're going to Wescafe, and then to Monday night dinner. Should be awesome and fun. If we can ever manage to get moving this morning ^^;;
san francisco,