I'm bored so you guys get some ramblings ^^
This weekend I got industrious with my room (finally). Partially because I have peoples coming for visits (YAAAAAY!!!) and partially out of a need for clutter removal (yes, i know but it DOES happen sometimes). For those of you who don't know, I have built in furniture in my room that I designed myself when I was in high school. It included a long stretch of counter space that has been taken up by a TV for a long long time. I don't watch TV (it wasn't even plugged in!!) and it was messing up the lines of my wall. So I did away with it ^_____^
I have replaced it with two of my very favorite things! Books and Boy Porn!! Ok, less pr0n, more just pretties ^^ I'm sure you'll all recognize things in the piccy ^^ Click for detail!
The books on the left are all the ones I have up for sale at half.com ^^ And the books on the right are a totally random mix of stuff I own. They were scattered about the room before because I have a huge box filled with books that just don't fit on the 4 other bookshelves in my room ^^;; The art is all stuff I bought at various conventions from artists. Bunch of Kit's stuff, some of Pond's, a PL Nunn, a tiiiiny Matt Page print, one from Moon, and a couple others (i've got a few more framed but not up yet). Oh and the giant print of the sleeping kitty ^^ He's happy amongst the boysmut ^___^