May 27, 2009 10:52

I found this on ADN Letters to the Editor. It's regarding an ordinance to ban discrimination against LGBT people in Anchorage, Alaska:

Here are just some of the reasons I am against the homosexual ordinance.

It would allow any man to dress like a woman and use any public women's restroom. Ladies, do you want that to happen? If not then you should contact the Anchorage Assembly and show up at the June 9 public hearing.

A man in a highly visible sales job could come to work dressed like a woman.

A person of either sex who indulges a taste for extreme sexual promiscuity and pornography during working hours could not be stopped or fired even though it damages the company's image.

Maybe, worst of all, this ordinance would allow a man who teaches a second grade class or any grade to show up as a woman in the classroom and the School District could do nothing because of this ordinance.

- Dr. Jerry Prevo, Pastor, Anchorage Baptist Temple

My brain hurts. At least it looks like he's really being held to task in the comments, which made me happy. I had typed up a response myself, but I realized that you had to register to post comments, and I'm lazy (and not a fan of mandatory registration to read or comment on something). Here it is:

I'm a gay dude, and I have no inclination to cross-dress (not that there's anything wrong with it-just not my thing) or engage in promiscuous sex anywhere, much less my place of work. Also, anyone-straight, gay, or anything in between-would be fired for looking at porno on company time, the end.

Being a gay guy, I obviously have no desire to perv out in the ladies' room. If I was inclined to that sort of thing, there'd be a greater danger of it happening in a men's room. Does that really need spelling out for you? Plus, if some creepy straight guy tried what you said, he'd be promptly apprehended for it. As for the rest of your inane babbling, I'm afraid the only response most reasonable people have is "So what?"

I know it pains you to think I'm a "normal" person just like you, but I'm pretty much a regular guy. No uncontrollable sexual urges. No public orgies. No STDs. No lisp. No limp wrist. No swish. No fabulousness. And no "Oh, girlfriend, let me tell you something!" unless I'm being silly. The only thing that sets me apart from your average straight guy is my knack for other guys (and perhaps my nice clothes and groomed eyebrows if you insist on being stereotypical).

You have displayed a breathtaking level of ignorance about both LGBT people and the ordinance in question. You leave no doubt in anyone's mind that you're speaking out of bigotry rather than a genuine concern for society.

ignorant, u.s., think of teh childrenz, politics, lgbt, bigots

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