John sent me a
lovely necklace. I love it very much even if my hair gets tangled in it (because I can just wear my hair up).
Lily is, and remains, adorable.
Jonathan's going to be moving in with me. That still makes me smile.
Steve showed up. As did a dragon slayer intent on hurting Melinda. At least the slayer is dead now...
Willy Wonka asked me to model for his new Coiffection line. He paid me in Scrumdidilyumptious Bars.
Heaven. I swear. Heaven in chocolate form.
I'm so happy right now. Ridiculously happy.
Oh! Chris, did you find the things I left on your dresser? I forged made got you a library card, memberships to the local museums, a card for the mass transit system so you don't have to worry about having exact change, a map of the city, and a birth certificate so you can go and get an ID card.