The Aftermath of a Birthday

Jun 22, 2005 03:41

Well, Jaydyn broke up with me. He got hurt somehow, and I got guilted into going to take care of him, and he yelled at me. Repeatedly.

Genis took me flying. It was wonderful. Maybe I'll have to pester him for that date...

I had a lovely early breakfast with Jonathan.

Harleen took me out for drinks and dancing. She's a great deal of fun.

I got a birthday present from Emma Frost of random snark against someone. It was beautiful.

Ted gave me a CD.

I met a young Ethan Rayne with little girls. I rediscovered I like babies. I'd hoped I'd grown out of that by now.

I have to throw out those roses Jaydyn gave me now...

Jonathan, I swear, you had better make time for a vacation soon. I'm thinking the Caribbean. Or Reykjavik.

((ETA: Alex apologizes, he forgot the keywords for his old "girl" icon so now they're all defaulting to the
male icon.))

rp, harley, genis, whistler, ethan, crane, emma, ted

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