Mar 24, 2005 08:43
I woke up this morning feeling more tired then EVER! Thing is, I didn't sleep any less than usual, but my head is saying BACK TO BED MISSY! says it's gonna be a wintry mix today. I HATE WINTRY MIX...I can handle the rain in March and April, but when you add snow, I am NOT a happy camper. Definitely having some homesickness issues for sure and, again, not really sure entirely why. I mean I was home just a week and a half ago and there are just so many wonderful things going on for me here in Boston...I need a change of pace. This weekend is my last weekend where i have NOTHING really planned until finals and I wanna do something nice...for no money...haha, that'll be real easy...i don't wanna have to look forward to summer as much as I am. I mean I'm almost halfway through "the best time of our lives!" Damn this wintry mix!