
May 09, 2004 02:49

Rain kicks so much ass. It just falls. Falls and falls and falls. It brings life to things that have been dried out by the surprising amount of sun we've had as of late, and it washes away whatever crap's been lying around the street. I can't type right now, so you know what, the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Biatches. The closing show for picnic was great. The audience was cool, but not as good as last night's, so I hear. But as Mr. Dycus says... they're sheep (baaaaah!). There was a bunch of thanking and present giving afterwards, especially for seniors. Then since I didn't have a ride I went with Dan and watched Bio-Dome with him, Jessica, and Gayle. Then an info-mercial with twin midgets selling get-rich-quick books bought by the coolest people ever. Those were good times. Good times indeed. Catch you later.
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