Dec 27, 2007 08:19
I can' t concentrate on anything. srsly. Those Christmas fics I promised for three people are about half-done, each. And I can't make myself write more on any of them. All I want to do now is critique Transformers (yeah, like that's gonna go over well) and write the Sue fic/continue messing with fake!accounts for as yet to be done prank. Heheheheh.
Speaking of Untitled, any ideas for a title? I'm stumped. *scratches head*
Below: How my parents ruined Transformers for me. DON'T CLICK FOR THE LOVE OF LOGIC!
Transformers. Loved the movie. At least, in theaters. But now I've gotten it for Christmas, and I made my parents watch it, and when it was done they said it was stupid.
So, like an idiot, I had to ask myself, 'Why?'
You can see where this is going.
I rewatched the movie. Of course.
The Autobots... there wasn't enough backstory there. Sure there're the novels, but who watching the movie would've read those before? What about the people who have little to no history with the cartoons or the comics or the books and no love of the characters in the various universes?
Optimus led. And talked. And talked some more. He seemed to switch from teenage dialogue to longwinded self-sacrificing martyr at the drop of a hat. And that whole scene with Megatron? Who's going to understand that? Who has any background information necessary for that?
The rest of the Autobots = teens. Not aliens. Too human, for one. No explanation given besides 'learning English from the internet.' Bumblebee was probably the most well done of the lot, and he only had one to two lines of his own, tops! The rest was radio talk.
The human side of things. I liked the beginning of the movie, I really did. The military bits, Sam, Miles, the jock... it was all cool. (The only thing I don't get is what happened in the used car dealership. No one asked anything about the glass that Bumblebee destroyed? No one? Except the dude who gave them the car on the spot? And Sam and his Dad don't say anything?
Pretty good movie- until you meet the Autobots.
The Autobots introducing themselves was an okay scene. To a point. Then you've got Sam. And Mikaela (sp?).
Let's say you're some human (kid, even) who's car just kidnapped you to go meet their leader. Freaky. What do you do? Stick around? Despite all of the horror movies you've seen that say sticking around to meet the aliens like this when you don't have some older, more experienced, human standing right there with you making sure nothing goes wrong?
Sam and Mikaela meet the aliens. They say, "Why are you here?" You get a nice backstory.
No one questions it. I repeat, no one, except Simmons, questions it. They just smile and nod. And go looking for the glasses. Taking the aliens at their word. Granted, Barricade had been going psycho at Sam, and Bumblebee seemingly saved him... But. No one says that the backstory is too good to be true? That perfect life Optimus described? Megatron as the ultimate bad guy?
Real world, here. It shouldn't have been that simple.
The connection with the boy's grandfather. Cool. Can't find much to question, there.
Going home and getting the glasses. We have another wtf-why-do-you-believe-them moment, before we move on. Probably should've warned my parents about the whole 'Sam's happy time' bit, but alas, I'd forgotten. The stupidity of the robots in plain sight. Not too good at subtlety with humans. Should've had a bit a dialogue relating to that, just because. Heeeeello. ALIEN. That means, my dear movie goers, that they should probably be doing things a bit more alien and a bit less human. Explanation for the lack of subtlety here, especially since they've been at WAR for eons.
Simmons, sadly, is probably the most sane of the bunch. Even sadder when he's the villain of the humans. He did exactly what he should have. And how many places to you see feds being intimidating jackasses when they could? Bringing up Mikaela's delinquency and leering at her was going a bit too far, as she was a minor and for the moment in his charge. As was not taking action when they told him the Decepticons would be coming. Hell. Rewatching the movie, I actually LIKED Simmons. Arrogant jackass, but he did his job and could think for himself outside of the Autobot's influence. Their like Stus, warping the minds of the poor humans...
Still don't understand wtf they were going to Mission City for, as opposed to keeping the cube somewhere WITHOUT civilian casualties in the hundreds. Please, people. WHY? (then again, I don't claim any military ties whatsoever. Whatever's going on there might just be going over my head.)
Optimus was cheesy. The movie should've been two hours longer than what it was. The end was cut poorly, IMO. Simmons and Bumblebee were my favorite characters. (Ain't that sad?) Plus the Decepticons minus Megatron. He was just as cheesy as Optimus. And why were the Decepticons speaking English at the end? (then again, I might be remembering this wrong, because the only Decepticons I remember actually speaking English were Starscream, Megatron, and Barricade when he's attacking Sam. Gotta love Barricade.) If there were no humans around, wouldn't it have made more sense for the aliens to be speaking their NATIVE language?
There wasn't enough information to sympathize with ANYONE except the humans, and it felt like half the story was missing. Again, should've been two hours longer, theaters be damned. Should've been much more epic than what it was. Best parts were the beginning and handful of epic giant robot versus giant robot scenes.
In short, my parents ruined the movie for me. xP
And now that I've done one of the above things, let's see if I can write anything besides the Sue fic. xD