Oh, hey. Haven't posted in awhile, have I? xD
UPDATES: What the heck did I post last about?!
So, things I can remember. My parents took my brothers and most of my sisters to a baseball tournament in Phoenix, where I'm told they did very well. It lasted all weekend, so twenty-four hour babysitter was a GO! ...Right. They got back in one piece, and the house survived.
Been spending a lot of time offline, babysitting because of the end of the school year. I hate summer. The best part of summer is the rain. The heat, humidity, screaming kids, idiots on bikes, etc, can all just go crawl in a hole and die, because I'll be in a different hole hiding and hibernating. Until Autumn, at least. *sigh* The house is crowded all of the time, and I can't deal with it. I'll be having an emotional breakdown within two weeks, I'm sure. Unless the Heartless come and kill us all, with which I'll feel guilty but still better than before.
CONSTANT CLEANING. It's like no one other than Regan and I are capable of doing anything!!! Well, our Dad has enough on his plate. He doesn't need to worry about this. Our Mom though? Wow. Just, wow. Won't say anything else for fear of being strangled/disowned when they eventually find this journal. Speaking of which, I need to log off on the other computer.
The new ff.net features look neat. Looks like the Admin's getting off his butt.
On Fandom Strikethrough '07: ...Really, nothing to say about it. Everyone's said all that could possibly be said. I've stated that I didn't like how a few groups on various forums (freerepublic, for example) were up in arms about the whole, "My children have access to THIS?!" reaction. I talked to my parents and sent them crap. They were unimpressed by the people, somehow were impressed by me, ordered me offline to protect my innocence, and ordered me back on to write something original.
They also had various amusing reactions to terminology, like 'yaoi' 'yuri' 'slash' and 'lemon.' What do these mean, Merisa? They asked.
Our uncle, who I've only met once in my life, is in town. We're going out somewhere to eat. HUNGRY. Still haven't eaten since yesterday.