Jun 30, 2008 19:50
One of the reasons I loved Stargate SG-1 has left us. Don S. Davis died yesterday. I loved the character of General George Hammond .
I got interested in the show because of my continual crush on RDA which is still going strong to this day. It didn't take me long to enjoy the show because of the characters. I honestly think I would have loved Colonel Jack O'Neill if someone else had played him the way RDA did; but then I probably wouldn't have even thought about watching it if not for RDA being part of the cast. I'm fickle that way. Have to admit I never did warm up to Cam Mitchell. Oh, he had his moments but for the most part, blah. Missed Janet when they killed her as she was also a favorite. Then Hammond leaves - didn't realize the real reason for that until I read in the press release telling of his death that Don Davis left for medical reasons. And then RDA cuts back on his schedule until he finally leaves altogther so he can spend time with his little girl.
But there was a saving grace for me. Vala. I so want to be Vala when I grow up :~) She was such a hoot!
Back to Hammond. Other than the episode introducing Hathor, I can't think of one time when I didn't like the character...and that episode had all the guys goofy. Janet and Sam save the day. Okay, he wasn't at his best in "Foothold" but that was technically an alien posing as Hammond so...doesn't count.
I usually don't even pause in my day when I hear about an actor's death but I did with the news of Don Davis suffering a massive, I believe, heart attack. I am glad to know I'll see him one more time - in the Stargate movie coming out the end of July...which obviously I can't remember the name of right now. Sheesh.
So long, Hammond of Texas.