π Every week, you will follow Inui as he travels to different schools, collecting data.
π He will ask you a question that is related to that school (i.e. about a character from that school, the tennis club, the school itself, etc).
π Correct answers will get you random cards and/or items from that particular school. If there are no decks from that school yet, then the prizes will be green tennis balls (item01).
π Correct answers to the more difficult questions will get you pink tennis balls (item02).
This week we're at:
Inui says:
Thank you for your assistance last week. If you wish to include this into your own notebook, the team that defeated Jyousei Shounan in the manga was Midoriyama.
As we all know, Rokkaku's buchou is first-year Aoi Kentarou and its fuku-buchou is third-year Saeki Kojirou. The real question is how and why was Aoi and Saeki chosen for their respective positions in the first place, according to the anime? In other words, who chose them and why?
You have until Friday, July 31st to give me your answers. I have random cards from Rokkaku in return for your assistance.
NOTE -->> LOL I just realized that is ISN'T a randomizer for Jyousei Shounan yet, so I'll ask Lucathia if she's planning on making one soon. If not, then the prizes will be THREE item01s to make up for my stupidity. XD;; Sorry! OTL OTL OTL
Yep never mind. XD It has been made!
This round is now closed.