Start of the weekend~ And what a nice weekend it will be~ Not doing a lot but it will be nice relaxing weekend. :D Hope your weekend is good too
This round is all about Gomoto Naoya. I will ask you 3 questions relating to this actor. Answer the questions right to win prizes.
Question 01: This weeks round is about Gomoto Naoya who was the first genetation Kaidoh. Can you tell me his date of birth?
Correct answer will win you two random cards
Question 02: He stared in Kimeru's Timeless video with two other Tenimyu actors. Can you tell me who they are?
Correct answer will win you a a random card and item
Question 03: He played a character in another musical of a popular anime. Can you tell me what anime and which character he plays in the musicals of this anime?
Correct answer will win you a random item
Answering all 3 questions correctly will win you an additional item02
This round closes Friday 22nd April
Last Rounds Answers
Question 01: Height: 172cm, Weight: 60kg
Question 02: Catches Ootori's scud serve with his hands
Question 03: Any two of: bandages, a towel, a power ball, jump rope, mint gum, and pictures of his dog