Lot's of people won choice cards last round~ Well done to you all. Hope your luck holds out. Weather keeps cooling down here, but at least heating in the hangers work again so it's not too bad. Trying to get ahead with Christmas shopping as well and not do my usual trick of last minute jobs...
This times its Hyoutei giving us the prizes, so pick a school for Hyoutei cards
★ You can only pick one Card
★ Behind two cards: 2x choice Hyoutei card
★ Behind two cards: 1x choice Hyoutei card
★ Behind two cards: 2x random Hyoutei card
★ Behind two cards: 1x random Hyoutei card
★ Behind two cards: Nothing D:
This round is CLOSED
Last Rounds Answers
Hyoutei + Seigaku - 2 choice Yamabuki cards
Rikkai+ Rokkaku - 1 choice Yamabuki card
Jyousei + StRudolph - 2 random Yamabuki cards
Higa + Shitenhouji - 1 random Yamabuki card
Fudoumine + Yamabuki - Nothing D: