Sorry, no special round =( I forgot I was going to do a special round until just now when I went to do it, and since I need to find and download some music before I can put it together (it's going to be involving Tenimyu actor music!!) I can't do it now. Again. OTL I'll really try to get it up after this theater camp is over. Tech rehearsals and performances this week...x____x
(Seigaku, single. It's like a weird shuffle group, whoaa :O)
(Rikkai, single)
(Tenimyu; third cast. From a BAS!)
MF links:
Song 01Song 02Song 03 Same rules as always:
★ Give me the title and the character/group name (not seiyuu!) for each song.
★ For each song you get correct, you get 1 random card and 1 random item.
★ But if you get all three correct, you get 4 random cards and one item02!
★ This round will close on Sunday, August 8th.
★ If you want, you can use this form:
Title of the 1st song by
Name of the artist/group2.
Title of the 2nd song by
Name of the artist/group3.
Title of the 3rd song by
Name of the artist/group★ Last week's answers:
-Grand Slam by Fuji Shuusuke
-Go To The Top! by Atobe Keigo
-REMEMBER HYOUTEI by Hyoutei (duh)