Apr 19, 2009 12:50

OK, I've put all your prizes for the Special Edition. I's happy to see that so amny of you were able to answer correctly :). From now, I'm going to put a textarea box. Please, use it to give me answers. And please, reply on the question about SE. Thank you very much~! And good luck!

This time something quite easy, so I hope you won't have problems with guessing these songs.

1. Bible by Shiraishi Kuranosuke
2. Erabareshi Elite Shuudan by St. Rudolph - Tenimyu

★ Tell me the title of each song and the name of characters (not seiyu)/artists.
★ For the first song you'll get 1 random card and 1 random item03.
★ For the second song you'll get 1 random card and 1 random item04.

★ If you guess both songs correctly, you'll get 3 random cards and item01.

★ This round is closed.

Please, use this form:

1. Title of the 1st song by Name of the artist/group
2. Title of the 2nd song by Name of the artist/group

Q: Do you want more Special Editions? Yes or No

guess the song, !games, weekly

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