Sep 12, 2005 21:03
ok now is a time in my life that things just seem to be going good. Me and my friends are getting along great i guess i have finally shown them that i could change but anyway thats not what this is about. life just seems good. school is easy and going good i have a new great job working for thats entertainment . and the best part is i have found somthing in my life that i am truely into. Improv. about 4 months ago i went and saw a show called friday night face off , and i laughed my ass off it was amazing . and i instantly knew that somehow someway i had to be a part of this show but i had no idea how too. so i kept going and kept laughing and within time bingo fricking E. Improv classes taught by one of the shows preformers. so i signed up and took and what do you know i was really good at it. so then i signed up for the next class which starts next week and i found out after the class you could audition to be in the show when the current guys leave. i knew i had a good chance but i wanted an even better chance and as faith would have it my improv teacher and head of the show was looking for employees for his job and was taking aplications. and what do you think he did thats right charecters my specialty . the thing i have been doing for the last few years. a week later i had the job and i really got to know my boss and teacher and now im one of his right hand men. he even invited me to a party whit all the other guys from the show and now i know them pretty good too. so now as my parent have been telling me find somthing that you are into and i finally have and dakmn im happy yeah thats right im happy