May 30, 2005 01:23
The Following Quote sums up my month perfectly
Cause sometimes you feel tired,
feel weak, and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up.
But you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength
and just pull that shit out of you and get that motivation to not give up
and not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse.
When i first found out that i was getting the moth of may off or a susspension if you may i was pissed and upset just ask danny i didnt like it i felt used and abandoned. I felt Angry But i delt with it
When may started i knew i had to keep my slef busey. I could not lay down all day doing nothing. So i went back to work i hung out with other friends i kept my self busy. But at the same time i was thinking i was thinking about my actions, my additude, my personality, and how it effected my friendship with my friends.
And the thing that i was denieing all along came out of me and i was not shocked at all.
All the problems with my friends were my fault i thought back to certain situations and i thought about the way i acted the way my friends resonded and how i could have done things differnently.
I have discovered alot about my self this past month including but not all
I am Pushy
I am Greedy
I Arhue TTo much
i Get loud to easy
I blame others
i dont take responsiblity for my actions
I Lie
Im to emotional
Im not laid back
there more but im not gonna type them all
BUT Now tennis starts june 2nd its gonna be a test a test to show and prove to my friends that i can and have changed and even if it takes a while at least i will have the satisfaction of know that i have changed for the better
And this brings me to my conclusion
As Much as i thought Danny, James , Bryan, Anthony < dianna,And whoever else was trying to punish me cause they hated me i was wrong they were trying to help me because they care and they want whats best for me. I realize this now. That you guys didnt do this to make me pay . you did it to help me learn and grow and i sincerly from the bottom of my heart thank you i thnak all of you and if its the last thing that i do i will prove to you all that this was not for nothing and that it has made a differnce