I went to see that Spongebob Squarepants movie last night. What a God-aweful movie it was. Boring. There was one or two cute/funny parts. But that was it.
So yeah, Matt's pratically moved into my house. He wasent here I think one night and that's it. He's even got his own drawer and everything. It's great I guess. :) I like waking up every morning next to him. And I dunno if I will even be able to sleep anymore if he's not there. I really love him, and he loves me too. :)
So yeah, if you read my
Blog as well as my LJ then you'd know he went with me to my Family's for Thanksgiving. My Uncle took some pix of us on his digital camera, so i'm gunna have him send me the pix, and when he does i'll be posting them either here or on twistmyfate.com. Maybe both. We'll see.
Meh, enough updatin.
Later Daze..