Nov 03, 2004 11:04
I wonder if anyone realises how annoying it is to post in Live Journal at school. The browsers here are so old. I can't even check my gmail. (Which is my main email account.) It sucks. And when I post on LJ it dosent load right and everything gets put on top of it's self. Luckily the text box and submit button is far away from all that mess. The browser I beleive is IE 5.5. I have an idea tho. I think i'm going to download Mozilla. Yes, I thikn I will. We're not suppose to download anything, but it dosent matter since once I restart the computer everything i've done on it will be deleted. I just won't restart until I leave.
Ahhh! I downloaded and installed it, but it dosent work. It can't detect the connection. Stupid school must also have a hidden firewall. Probably running in the "main" account rather than the "student" account that I have access to. Meh, I guess i'll just have to deal with IE.
So, anyway. My tooth isn't bothering me quite as badly today. It still hurts, but just not as severe pain. Dunno why not, maybe it's getting better, or maybe it has to do with the fact that I got the antibiotics yesterday, and while that's not any help for pain. I think it would help keep any swelling down, which would not cause presseure, which would not make me cuss aloud in the middle of my math, history, and health class.
So, yesterday was cool I 'supose. We did some weird thing in health, it had to do with learning to give CPR. We ended up on the floor on these little mats and watched this movie (we were on the floor because our classroom is in the small gym, which is huge, and the TV was on the opposite side of where the desks are) anyway. It ended up being Nolan, Melissa, and myself just fucking around for the period. We got yelled at a few times for our loudness, but meh, it was fun. I dunno why, but I felt so hyper that period. If I wasent bitching about my tooth I was jumoing around like a maniac.
Today... so far.. has been ok. Had a sub in math again, goodie. I never do subwork (in the class, always do it at home since I like to hand it in to my teacher myself) so I just read my book. It's really good, it's called "Play Dead". So far it's about like, these people who keep turning up dead. Or so they think, they're body simulated death, but their mind stays fully awake. I just finished a chapter where they burried this guy who was suppose to be like that, but he somehow got strength back and was able to get out of the ground, and now he scared these two people who were at the park trying to have sex. Anyway, he scared them and things started fading for him and that's how the chapter ended. I reccomend you go buy it. :P Or check it out of the liabrary.
Anywho, had a test on Ancient Rome in history, and had to read some articles from this weird educational magazine, then write what I learned down and hand it in in English class. Now i'm in Web Design. We have a sub again. Luckily. Which means I get free time. :) We're suppose to work on some sort of site, but I wasent here Monday to get the assignment so I guess I'll just surf the web, like everyone else in the class is doing.
I've got another 45 mins in here, and I don't know what to do. I'm a bit bored. I guess i'll figure something out. Maybe work on or something. Meh, we'll see.
Until Next Time~
Send me lots of money!
Well, I ended up changing the colors of my Journal. Not the most orgional colors, but they work. What to do now.. I do not know.