
Oct 16, 2004 08:44

Can you say. "Update"?

That's okay. I couldn't either for thee longest time. That's why I haven't updated here. I was just so busy trying to say the word update. But I've rememberd how to say it, and am now back. So let's get you caught up.

Wednesday. I spent the first like 3-4 hours in the Auditorium taking the stupid ass PSATs. Those things are hard as hell. I didn't understand half of it. Maybe because it's actually a pre-test made for juniors to prepare for the test for seniors? :P After I got out of that stupid test, I had to go to 4th, Web Design, and I had a test in there. Followed by 5th hour, Biology in which we had to write all the questions from all the chaper reviews and the section review down. Just a whole day of writing questions. Not answering them yet. Just writing. Then sixth, thank-god. My cake class. I layed on the floor and listend to my CD player the whole period. I work so hard for my 100% GPA in that class. :P

Thursday. Early Release Day before the Three-Day weekend. Last day of the grading period. Meh, not much to say. I didnt get to take two of my tests. I didnt get to take it in math because I was out Friday the day of the test, and the makeup day was Tuesday, the day I had all my appts so he wouldnt let me take it. And in my English class I didnt get to take it because she lost the papers. What the fuck? I had Ds in both those classes, needless to say they are now Fs. I should start doing my homework. I've gotten into the habit of only doing the homework I want to do. Nothing boring. That shall stop. Well I went to pick up my new glasses also, first I stopped by Eddies (will tell this story later in the entry) and he didnt wanna go with me to get them. So Michael went with me. We missed the bus up there, so we just walked it. Well they close at freakin 4! We got there at 4:10. I was pissed. We took the bus back and I stayed the night at his house. We went in the morning and got them. They are really SEXAY! :P They are just like my old ones only they are kinda smaller, and silver rather than black. Plus I got them tinted this time, not too dark, but just enough to look sexay. :P

Friday. Got my glasses as you read above. Came home, Michael came with me. He's on the couch in my bedroom sleeping right now. I watched TNA Impact at 3. It was a great show. Best that i've seen in a long time. Yeah, then I let Mike on and I watched Friday Night Standup. Denis Leary(sp?) was on tonight. I've seen his show so many times, but he's HILARIOUS. :P

Okay. Onto the story about Eddie. Well he found out that i'm gay. I kinda indirectly told him. Yeah. So he started talking to me online, and on the phone telling me all this bullshit about how he's still my friend and he dosen't care. When I got to his house yesterday it was just really weird. He acted really diffrent around me. Kind of uncomftorable. Like he was half expecting me to jump on him and rape him. So I ended up just leaving. When I left I went to do that weird handshake/highfive thingy that I tend to do with all my friends, and he didnt want to touch me. He didnt actually say that, but he just looked at me and said later rather than shaking my hand. It's not like he didnt know what I was trying to do. So I just turned and left. I felt kinda hurt, but whatever. If he can't accept who I am then I guess he's not really my friend. Right? Meh...

Later Daze..
~Justin, Jett, Squee
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