Jun 15, 2011 01:45
My little brother and I are very obviously related in temperament. I couldn't help but think that when I watched him dash down the Park street platform to tackle hug some friends, as well as earlier when he'd surprised me with screening tickets for Mr. Popper's Penguins in the first place.
If you haven't met him, my little brother is about a head taller than I am and 21. He's obsessed with anime with a more than healthy love of shoujo manga. My metabolism in the male of the species translates to mysteriously appearing abs and well defined muscles all over, despite being nearly allergic to exercise. It's funny how similar we are because it makes my one sports-aware street savvy little brother seem all the more alien.
Mr. Popper's Penguin's was adorable. Too be fair I didn't go in expecting much. I used to love the story when I was younger, and I went to see it because I still have a soft spot for Jim Carey. Plot wise the story is very very loosely related to the original. Drake is replaced by an absent father and the Popper couple is now divorced with two kids. Mr. Popper is now a ruthless real estate tycoon. The movie's charms are all of its own with a cute and predictable plot, but well timed comedic moments. Jim Carey is much toned down which is a large part of how this story manages to work. Much suspension of disbelief is necessary and the ending is the kind of cop out you only get away with in a children's movie. Even in the books Mr. Popper managed jail time. My biggest complaint is that now I have Vanilla Ice songs stuck in my head :)