And a final welcome to everyone from the friending meme!

Jan 27, 2013 15:32

Ka, so, I am honestly making this post for my own sake more than anything else, because my flist has pretty much exploded over the last week (yay, new friends! :D), but if anyone fancies commenting with, say, their fandoms and/or ships, so I can try to remember who, exactly, to squee in the direction of, then that would actually be awesome. Having a list here could be handy until I become more familiar with all the awesome new people on my flist. :P

But yes! Official welcome to 3hours, mrs_leary, pixieboots, bloodybrilliant, corpsereviver2, bydaylight, roadmarks, sunshine304, fiona_fawkes, signe_chan, justbolognese, gatty, logically, anactoria, cardigankate, dreamflower02, kurdt105, cb_eaglemaniac, eledhill, hiza_chan, tigertale7, tartancravat, mugenmine, siehn, goldenusagi, savageseraph, desecrets, shadowfireflame, dineru, themostepotente, itachitachi, frotcake, the_redjay, marishna, geekslave, pocochina, shinysylver, ionchannel, elirwen, melooza, piscaria, kaj_22, wallmakerrelict, lijahlover, azure_delta, unbidden_truth, bookwrm89, goreplz, speakeasying, yenny2206, magnolia822, otta_ff, millionstar, asya_ana, ohmorgans, dunderklumpen, sabrinaphynn, twilightthief, aevenien, leviathans_moon, kathyh, vix_spes, holyfant, superfluous_emi, planejane, amphigoury, dk323, k_nightfox, teprometo, kylezy, tolquhon, xlamentcasx, and queerlogic.

And if there's anyone that I've missed - anyone from the friending meme who's seeing this, but who I've forgotten to friend back - then please just tell me, so I can remedy that asap. In the meantime, though - I am very much looking forward to spending the next indefinite period of extended time getting to know everyone. :D

And, finally, many thanks to asya_ana for setting up and managing that meme. ♥
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