Title: Pulling Spock’s Pigtails

Feb 11, 2010 22:01

Title: Pulling Spock’s Pigtails
Pairing: Jim/Spock
Rating: G
A/N: School yard kid fic, Jim is about ten years old, written in thirty minutes, after this weird little bunny sunk its teeth in. XD Also, to simplify things, let’s just say that Spock is spending a couple of his younger years getting some human education on Earth, mmmka?

Summary: Spock is oblivious to the boy’s presence until his calculator is suddenly gone, cradled between the fingers of the human standing in front of him, his bright eyes as blue as the sky.

- - -

This human would not upset him. To rise to these taunts would be illogical. He was in control of himself. He was not angry.

“That does not belong to you.”

Despite his best efforts, Spock could hear the obvious tension in his voice, but the boy in front of him only grinned, all bright blue eyes and messy blonde hair.

"Yup. But it looked cool, so I figured I'd check it out."

The image of his father's stern face fluttered to mind, the tiniest hint of disapproval somehow reflected in those dark eyes, and Spock reached deep inside himself for the core of Vulcan control that anchored his volatile emotions, forcing his expression to remain impassive.

"Your actions are most reprehensible."

“Gonna come get it back from me, then?”

The boy dangled Spock’s calculator between them, and Spock determined that it would take approximately 6.35 seconds to break every bone in those fingers. He instructed himself to remain still, already imagining the crestfallen expression on his mother’s face if he was sent home for fighting again.

“I have no quarrel with you, and I ask that you return my possession, so that I may return to my studies.”

“Don’t you ever do anything else?”

Spock could only stare at him, uneasy at being the center of attention, and further confused by the obvious curiosity in the boy's voice. Although the question didn’t seem to be designed to hurt, this boy had already taken Spock’s calculator, and the two actions had no logical interaction.

“I mean, really. All you do is sit around and read. And write numbers. And draw graphs.”

“The purpose of an educational institution -”

“Spock, come on. Even Vulcans must have fun sometimes.”

Spock couldn’t stop himself from stiffening, unsure why heat had suddenly flooded his cheeks. “You know my name?”

A moment of uncertainty seemed to flash across those blue eyes, and the boy quickly stepped forward, thrusting out the calculator between them. Spock hesitantly took it, half expecting it to be pulled away again, but the boy simply scuffed his toe into the dirt beneath them, suddenly refusing to meet Spock’s eyes.

“I asked around. Sorry if that’s weird.”

His heart skipping oddly in his side, Spock carefully slipped the calculator back into his pocket, where it had been before the human snatched it. He struggled to find the words he needed, but he was too confused by the boy’s actions.

“I wanted something to talk to you about. So I asked some of the teachers about Vulcans. You guys are a pretty cool species, huh?”

Spock could do nothing but nod, wondering why nothing about this conversation felt threatening anymore. The human had raised his eyes again, and that smile was back on his face.

“Look, I think your ears are awesome, even if the other kids are idiots to you.”

“Then why would you treat me the same way?”

The eyes quickly dropped back to the ground. “I wanted your attention.”

If the boy had wanted Spock’s attention, then his attempts had been successful, because Spock couldn’t have walked away for anything. Was this truly how humans expressed affection?

“I see.”

He could find nothing else to say, but the human was grinning at him again, and Spock’s stomach was suddenly squirming unpleasantly.

“Wanna be friends? I’m lonely, you look lonely - we’d be better together than apart, I just know it. You seem like someone I could depend on.”

Spock’s need for acceptance flared to life with shocking speed, and he found himself quickly nodding again, unable to take his eyes from those blue ones. Jim stepped a little closer, and stuck out his hand in a clumsy Vulcan salute, his grin getting a little cheeky.

“My friends call me Jim. Am I doing this right?”

His mind reeling from the fact that he seemed to have finally made a friend, Spock could do nothing but nod again, and when Jim grabbed his hand to tug him towards the sandbox, Spock wondered if the tight feeling in his lungs was what happiness felt like.

rating: g, universe: reboot, fanfic, pairing: kirk/spock

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