It's been quite some time since I've last used this device, but I've been rather busy these last few weeks.
[Relocating, doing some plotting, hating the deities for taking Martel away some more, hating all humans, doing typical angel type things. You know, the usual.]
I suppose I should reintroduce myself, so that you wretched humans know the proper
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[That name totally threw Klarth off. He recalled trying to help a child named Mithos a while back but... was this the same person?]
That's quite an ego.
Leaving that aside, I can't help but hear a threat in those words. What is it you are planning?
[Those names cannot be a coincidence, especially with the damn World Tree being connected in this. It's all too familiar to him.]
What sort of tree is this Yggdrasill tree?
All right... [He reluctantly agreed as he began.]
The Great Tree, Yggdrasill. A Tree spirit, spirit Guardian, by the name of Martel, once spoke of how mana is born from the tree, producing enough mana for the entire world...
Now you. What is it you are planning?
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