Red and the Headcase part 3

Oct 24, 2010 18:49

Title: Red and the Headcase
Author: twisterdrag04
Fandom: Tin Man
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine. Not my idea. Not making any more off of this. Please don’t sue. You’ll be taking away from my daughter’s college fund.
Summary: What happens when your past comes back? Can things ever really be as they once were?
Author's Notes: This came to me after watching Tin Man. First real fic I have written in awhile.

He had to stop. He needed a chance to breathe. Give his legs a moment to rest. He had to get to the Queen. He couldn’t stop. They were right behind him. He had been running so long. Just a moment to stop. Not hearing any footsteps behind him he took a moment to rest against a tree. Taking a sip from his canteen, he heard some voices. He thought they sounded familiar, but it had been so long since he heard a friendly voice his mind might be playing tricks on him.

He reached into his bag and pulled out his gun. In these times your friends can become your enemies in the blink of an eye. Slowly he crept towards the voices. A small part of his mind asked him what the hell he was doing. He knew it was crazy, but something drew him to the voices. As he got closer one of the voices became clear to him, Layla. She managed to get out! He slid his gun in his pocket. She was the last person who needed his protection. He came across a clearing and saw his sister nose to nose with Wyatt Cain himself. Trying to push them apart seemed to be the Queen’s advisor, Ambrose.

“I did not ask you to come here Wyatt.”

“Like you gave me a choice Layla. You just took off without any concern for your safety.”

“Can you two please stop? If you two want to have this argument can we at least get back to the castle? Or anywhere where there is less potential to be attacked?”

All three of them turned around as they heard a chuckle.

“You two never could argue quietly. You could at least argue where no one could hear you.”

Layla starred at him, tears suddenly filling her eyes. It was her brother. Her twin brother She never wanted to give up hope that he was alive. She surely would have known if anything would have happened to him. But now he was standing here in front of her, and every emotion she should have had was hitting her all at once.


Before Bay could say anything he found his arms full of his sister. She buried her head in his chest and let some of her tears fall. He rocked her gently for a few moments calming her down.

“You’re alive…”

“I could say the same thing about you sister.”

While the siblings had a touching reunion, Ambrose started to look around worried.

“Ah guys while this is a touching moment do you really think that here is the best place for that?'Cause you know there are Longcoats around and just because they don’t have that much power they still can hurt us.”

As if by magic, the group found themselves surrounded. Bay and Cain pushed Layla and Ambrose behind them to protect them. Cain gave Layla a look as she pushed herself forward and stood between them. She gave him a look right back, and he knew he was in for getting yelled at later. The quickest way to find yourself confronted with a pissed off Layla was to treat her like the privileged woman she actually was. He had lost count of the times she told him that she did not need to be protected and she could take care of herself. While it was true, it didn’t stop Wyatt from trying. He was certain they would have this problem until one of them died.

One of the Longcoats pointed to Layla and Cain.

“He wants those two brought to him alive. Kill the other two.”

Two on the long coats quickly advanced on Layla. In what seemed to be the blink of an eye they were falling back, throats cut. Layla had a self satisfied smirk on her face as she wiped her knife clean on her pant leg. Wyatt wasn’t even going to ask where she hid the knife.
Everything was silent for a few seconds as the Longcoats tried to figure out how two of them were killed by a woman. Then all hell broke loose. The Longcoats rushed the group and all that was heard was the impacts of flesh on flesh with the occasional clash of metal against metal. Cain looked over a Longcoats shoulder to see where the Queen’s advisor was and if he was in any danger. Ambrose was doing a good job of making himself unseen. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a Longcoat sneak out of the woods behind Layla, who was pre-occupied with her own group of Longcoats. Before he could shout out a warning to her, he heard a sickening
crack from Layla’s direction.

“Layla!” Cain cried out as she slumped to the ground, blood already starting to pool on the ground. She managed to push herself up onto her hands and knees but received a kick to her stomach that knocked her back down. Cain looked over at Bay, who also heard the crack and seen his sister fall. Neither one of them could help her. There were too many Longcoats between them and Layla.

The Longcoat seemed to loom over Layla as she struggled to get back to her feet. The blow to her head had been a bad one and it put her at a severe disadvantage. The Longcoat chuckled to himself as he reached down to grab Layla.

“Zero is going to be so happy to have you back.”

Before he could grab Layla he was knocked back with a swift kick to his back.

“I think she would rather stay with us.”

The Longcoat turned around and was confronted by the person who kicked him.

“You think you are going to stop me from taking her?”

“I fully intend on stopping you.”

In her daze Layla looked up to see who had helped her. She fully expected to see Wyatt or Bay facing off with the Longcoat, but she was surprised to see Ambrose in front of the Longcoat. She smiled to herself as she watched the man who she still deeply loved faced off with the Longcoat who struck her. The Longcoat severely underestimated him, and that was something he would soon regret. A few swift and graceful kicks from the advisor had knocked the Longcoat to the ground. Ambrose dusted himself off, and Layla couldn’t help be feel as proud as he looked. Ambrose looked at Layla and quickly made his way over to her. He carefully helped her up and supported her as she swayed slightly.

“Are you alright?” He asked her as he inspected her head. He winced at the size of the gash in her head. He pulled a piece of cloth from his pocket and carefully cleaned up the blood that had dripped onto her face before pressing the cloth to her head to stop the bleeding. Before he could stop himself he kissed her on a clear spot on her head.

“I have you now.”

He wasn’t sure what came over him, but the moment he heard the crack and saw her fall, he felt this sudden and all consuming rage flow through his blood. While he still wanted to rip the Longcoats throat out, he was more concerned about the woman he was supporting in his arms. When she rested her forehead against his chest he automatically wrapped his arms around her and smiled slightly to himself. He still wasn’t sure who exactly she was and why she stirred such deep emotion in her, but right now he was just happy she was safe.
Bay looked at his sister and Ambrose together for a few moments before turning back to Cain.

“Where the hell did he learn to do that?”

“I have no idea. Surprised me too, but I have a feeling your sister had something to do with that.”

Cain dusted off his coat and adjusted his hat. He glanced over at Bay who was adjusting a bag at his hip. The man still looked like he did when they were younger. His dark black hair that was streaked with blue was longer than he remembered, but it seemed to suit him better. Cain could remember their father joking how their hair matched their personalities, Layla being the feisty hot tempered twin while Bay tended to take the laid back approach. His eyes were the same blue color of his sister’s, with the same twinkle of mischief that got Cain into many problems growing up.

“You know…when I thought about finally seeing you again, this isn’t what I had in mind.”

Bay looked up at Cain, the twinkle ever present in his eyes.

“Just like old times.”

“So where the hell have you been? I really was hoping I didn’t have to tell your sister you were dead.”

“Well you don’t have to worry about that since I’m not. I was gathering information about the Longcoat attacks and who was behind them.”

“What did you find out?”

“It’s Zero…but he’s stronger.”


“He’s possessed with some very dark magic. I remember my father telling us stories growing up…but I can’t remember what he called it, or how to beat it.”

“Great…just what we need.”

“He’s looking for you and Layla.”

“I’m shocked. Why now?”

“You know he’s been deeply obsessed with her since we were younger…and he’s after you for revenge.”


“You know exactly why he’s after you…it may have been a long time ago but I am certain he didn’t forget that. I know my sister hasn’t.”

“Ah…excuse me,” Both men looked over at Ambrose who seemed to be struggling with Layla. “I really do hate to interrupt the reunion…again…but I really think she needs to be looked at. Her head doesn’t seem to be healing.”

Before Cain could talk Bay spoke out.

“Help her onto a horse. Our home is closer than the Queen’s. Besides…it’s starting to get dark out…who knows how many more Longcoats are out here.”

Cain nodded and mounted his horse. With upmost care Ambrose helped Layla onto Cain’s horse. Right now Cain was the only other person he wanted helping the injured woman. Bay and Ambrose mounted their horses.

“Think you can still find our house Wyatt?”

“I only went there every day when we were growing up. I think I can manage.” Bay chuckled and despite everything Cain cracked a smile. Some things just never change.
Cain carefully opened the door and peeked in. Layla was still sleeping in her bed, Ambrose not too far away from her sleeping in his chair. Maybe he was starting to get his memories of her back. Cain wasn’t sure, but it was nice to see someone else looking out for her.

“Checking in on everyone dad?”

Cain jumped slightly and turned around. He let out an exaggerated sigh at the sight of a grinning Bay behind him. He carefully closed the door and turned to face him.

“What is it with you two coming from behind?”

Bay gave an innocent shrug.

“Surely I have no idea what you are talking about.”

“That look never worked on anyone you know. Your father was the first one to tell me that.”

Bay’s smile faltered and Cain mentally smacked himself. He didn’t know if either of the twins knew of their father’s death. Ever since their mother died when they were younger the siblings had become very close to their father, who in turn made sure his children knew everything they needed to know about fighting and magic.

“Father always told us to try and disarm our enemies with an innocent look…”

“Bay…your father…”

“I know he’s dead Wyatt. I know you were the last person to see him before he was captured. Nothing hasn’t happened to him that he did not prepare me for last time I saw him.”

“When was the last time you saw him?”

“Actually it was not long before you did. I finally felt safe enough to go see him…it was hard to see him like that. It took me the longest time to get him to recognize me…”

Cain could feel Bay’s pain. He remembered his own watching the Mystic Man work through the effects of the vapors. He couldn’t imagine how hard it must have been for Bay. Bay started walking down the hallway, Cain falling into step with him.


“When he finally did…he told me everything. He told me that you would be coming to see him with DG…that he would let himself be captured. He even told me that he was going to die. I tried to get him to come with me, but he wouldn’t. Father told me that he had to be here for you…that if he wasn’t here she would win. He couldn’t let that happen. In a way I think he knew that if he died me and my sister would live.”

"He was so stubborn in making sure I stayed with her..."

"If he told you everything that would happen...would you have stayed with her, or would you have tried to help save him?"

Cain paused at the question. Before he answered that, he had one of his own that bothered him for so long.

“Did he or your sister know about what happened to me and my wife? Did they know all that time I worked for him and didn’t tell me.”

“I can’t answer for my sister. When she wakes up you will have to ask her. As for my father…I ask the same question I asked before…If you would have known every event starting from when Az was possessed by the witch to you and me standing here, and knowing how everything ended…and how it could have ended, would you have stayed?”

Bay carefully watched his friend. He could see the barely concealed rage in his face. He didn’t blame his friend. A man he considered to be almost like a father knew his wife was going to be killed, his son taken away, and he himself put into an iron suit to wait for a girl to show up. He would be angry too. He was angry at his father at first. His father knew what would happen to himself and his sister and did nothing to stop it.

He watched as Cain clenched and unclenched his fists. Bay remembered his own feelings when his father revealed that he knew what was going to happen to his children. He yelled and screamed, accusing his father of never really loving them. But as he watched as the rage left Cain’s face, he came to the same conclusion he did. If they both would have known, they would have tried to change it, and more than likely neither one of them would be standing here having this conversation.

“I would have tried to stop it. Did he know what would happen to you and your sister?”

Bay could only nod. As angry as he was, Cain couldn’t imagine how Bay felt.

“What happened to you? No one heard anything from you in annuals. I think I was the only person other than your sister that thought you were still alive.”

“Like my sister I was taken by Longcoats. I wasn’t separated from the other prisoners because Zero wasn’t looking for me. He only wanted my sister. I’m not sure how I did it, but I managed to escape my cell. While trying to find an exit I came across an advisor with his brain removed.”


“I wasn’t going to let the man my sister loved to rot in jail. So I helped him escape.”

“I didn’t know he was her Ambrose until we found her.”

“The last day I saw her she was talking bringing him to meet you. She wanted to see how you felt about him.”

“Well after spending that much time with him…he can be such a pain in the ass. But he’s loyal, and very protective. He would have been a good match for your sister.”

“Would have been?”

“He doesn’t remember her and your sister is too stubborn to tell him.”

“He will. Love like theirs…you don’t forget. Somedays it just…gets a little lost.”

A throat being cleared behind them caused both of them to jump. They turned around to see a smirking Layla behind them.

“Somedays I just hate the two of you.”

Before Layla could respond Ambrose came sliding around the corner, a look of panic evident on his face. It turned to an embarrassed blush when he saw the crowd.

“I am sorry…but when I woke up she was not in her bed. I was worried something had happened to her.”

At that moment Cain started to see his friend in a whole new light. He wasn’t the queen’s advisor, he wasn’t a gifted inventor, he wasn’t even a naïve headcase…he was just a man in love. Now weither he knew he was in love or not Cain didn’t know. Maybe Bay was right…maybe their love was just a little lost.

Layla smiled slightly.

“I’m sorry. I wanted to find my brother and Wyatt to find out why we are here and not back at the castle with the queen.”

“You mean other than the massive head wound that you suffered Red?”

“It wasn’t massive…and yes other than that.”

“Your brother wanted to look through some of your fathers books.”

“Father’s books means you know something we should know. What do you know Bay?”

“Blunt as always sister. Zero is possessed.”

“How about telling us something we didn’t know.”

“He’s possessed by Tobe.”

Layla dropped her head and rubbed her eyes. Cain had heard the name before, when he was growing up and getting stories told to him by the Mystic Man.

“Tobe…that’s a demon right?”

“Close Wyatt. Tobe is a cross between a demon and a warlock. Bay are you sure that is what possessed Zero?”

“ From what I saw he had the markings and the powers that father told us about. It’s Tobe.”

“What are we going to do? We can’t just let him go like this. He could bring down the kingdom.”

“Thanks Layla…I hadn’t thought of that.”

“Alright you two knock it off,” Cain said putting his hands up.”Layla you go to the library and research.”

Layla went to interrupt but Wyatt shot her a look.

“Do not even think about trying to argue with me right now. We three will search for things that might be useful.”

“Actually…I think I would rather go with Layla. Being an inventor research is my specialty in a way.”

Everyone looked at Ambrose and Layla couldn’t help but smile a little. It caused Cain to smile a little too. Maybe this could give those two the nudge they needed.

“Ok. You two go and see what you can learn. Just…stay out of trouble.”

“Who are you talking to?”

“Both. I think I know you two well enough to make that statement.”

Ambrose looked slightly nervous and blushed while Layla just stuck her tongue out at Wyatt.
Layla sighed and slammed the book shut in frustration. They had looked through dozens of books and not found any helpful information on what they were facing. Of course none of the books had any marks on their covers and weren’t in any order on the shelves.

“Thanks for making this easy on us daddy,” Layla muttered under her breath. Ambrose looked up from the book he was reading.

“Did you say something?”

Layla shook her head and smiled slightly.

“I was just thanking my father for making this so easy on us.”

He smiled and Layla couldn’t help but give him a full smile back. Frustrated with her hair getting in the way of her reading, Layla stretched slightly in her seat and gathered it behind her head with a piece of black cloth she pulled out of her pocket. Out of the corner of her eye she could see the advisors eyes follow her movements, causing her to blush. Hoping he hadn’t noticed, she returned to her former position and grabbed another book. As she started to read, a chunk of her hair fell loose from the bundle and blocked her vision. Before she could move it away, Ambrose reached across the desk and brushed the hair behind her ear.

She could feel her face growing hot under his fingers as they came to rest on her cheek, his thumb idly stroking her cheek.

“Thank you,” her voice barely coming out above a whisper. She turned to go back to reading, but his hand turned her face towards his.

His hand gently moved from her cheek to the back of her neck, pulling her closer to him. Part of her knew she should say something. He didn’t remember who she was, what they had together. Another of her did not care. This was the man she loved. He was here in front of her and there was nothing more that she wanted than to touch him and have him touch her.

As if moving on its own her hand found its way to his unoccupied hand, lacing their fingers together. His hand was rougher than she remembered. He glanced down at their entwined fingers. Part of her was worried he would pull away, that he wouldn’t understand why this was happening. But he used their held hands and pulled her even closer.


He dipped his head closer to her, their lips inches apart. Just as they were about to kiss Cain walked into the room.

“Have you guys found…anything…”

Ambrose jerked away from Layla, pulling his hand away from hers. He quickly fled the room muttering something about going to look for the book in another room. Cain barely nodded at Ambrose as his eyes stayed on Layla. The look on her face just pulled at his heart. Layla kept looking down at where their held hands were, eyes full of heartbreak and tears. Cain took Ambrose’s place next to her and gently ran a hand down her back.


“I thought I had him back…I thought he remembered me…”

“He will Red…he will.”

She turned her head to wipe away a few stray tears. Cain pulled her closer and pressed a kiss to her temple. Layla buried her face in Cain’s chest just soaking in the comfort. After a few moments Cain could not resist making a comment.

“Geesh Red…didn’t know you could be such a girl.”

Cain grunted as Layla used her position to punch him in the gut. She straightened herself up and went back to her research pretending like nothing happened. Cain rested his head on the desk, once again cursing the day he ever met the smirking redhead next to him. She patted him on the back as she collected her things finally finding the book they were looking for.

“Now who’s the girl?” she called over her shoulder as she went to find the rest of their party.
Layla threw the book onto the table next to Bay, causing him to jump. He looked up and shot his sister a dirty look.

“You are such a bitch some days.”

“Yes but I’m the bitch that found the book we need.”

Cain came in not long after Layla did holding his stomach.

“What happened to you?”

Layla smiled and patted Cain on the shoulder.

“He called me a girl.”

“At least she didn’t throw a knife at you like last time.”

Layla smirked at she picked the book up and packed it gently into her bag. When Ambrose came into the room, Bay noticed that they were not looking at each other. Bay cast a questioning look at Cain, who just shook his head telling him now was not the time to talk about it. He put a hand on his sister shoulder. She gave him a small sad smile and patted him on the hand.

“So what do we do now?”

“We pack up and head back to the castle. I doubt the queen hasn’t noticed that the head of her security and her advisor haven’t come back yet.”

“And how do we explain your brother?”

“He’s my brother not a puppy…”

It didn’t take them long to get back to their horses. As they packed up the horses with the supplies Layla noticed something.

“Gentlemen we have a problem.”


“We are one horse short.”

“So you will just have to share Red.”

“Now you know her rules Wyatt…she doesn’t share her knives and she doesn’t share her horse.”

Layla gave her brother a look.


“You know what.”

“Oh so you just expect me to..”


“Why don’t you just..”

“I’m not fully healed. Just shut up and do it. Besides…we found you running. It won’t kill you to run a little more.”

“I hate you.”


“Alright fine.”

Bay stood away from the group and transformed into a horse. Ambrose watched in slight shock as Layla smiled at her brother.

“Now see what that too hard dear brother.” Bay snorted and flicked his tail at Layla.

“Can he…” Ambrose questioned.

“Yes. Unlike our little adventure with tutor Bay can turn into any animal he wants. He can also communicate with animals as well. It’s his specialty in magic.” Cain answered fondly.

Layla mounted her horse and whistled.

“Now if you gentlemen don’t mind I would like to get back.”

Next Part

tin man, red and the headcase

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