photo meme!

Jul 13, 2009 14:21

*still checking LJ* LOL ignore LJ for 5 days and it pays you back with a skip=460 f-list.  And I'm not even watching that many people/communities! Sheesh.

I wanted to post again to do a PHOTO MEME! Yes, I still have yet to do my vlog because I want my hair to look nice and lately I just haven't been doing anything with it, mainly because at both of my jobs I have to wear it in a ponytail and for my main job I also wear a ball cap :)

Photo meme snagged from cheekanzoop  (btw, is your username from Farscape? Because I was watching it and Chiana said something like, "Look, I don't know what cheekan zoop is..." and I went "OH!")
o1. Comment in this entry with absolutely anything that you are curious of / want to see of my real life.
o2. With everyone's comments I shall photograph every requested aspect of my personal life!

And my own addition: Don't get too personal, if you catch my drift ;) LOL.

Since I got my new camera... I can take tons of pictures!

And in other non-memey things, I wanted to say
savvy_elf  is an amazing person and a good friend :) We had a long talk Saturday night (5 hours WHOA.  I didn't realize it was that long because I was so tired and it was 4AM here when we were done ROFL) about values, Pittsburghese, and life in general.  Good conversation :)

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