(1) My local cinema is showing Goldfinger on Tuesday, and I won't be able to go see it being as I'm on the 1PM to 10PM shift. How often do these opportunities come up in life, God damn it?
I really hope I get a chance to see the showings of The Wicker Man (1973) and Withnail & I - four and six weeks later, respectively. And the other four "British classics" showing every Tuesday too, I suppose. Is Henry V any good?
(2) At work yesterday, Sara referred to Alison as "having the kind of face that you could just punch". Without missing a beat, I upped the ante claiming she "has the kind of face you could just kick in the balls". Neither of us is wrong, mind you - her face radiates a weaselly, condescending smugness. Cow.
(3) A helluva lot of great music came out in 1997, I'm being reminded. And most of it was British.
(4) The anniversary with Joss was very nice. We went out for Italian food at a place Joss's co-workers had recommended, the food was lovely and the drinks were plentiful. Joss said I got her too many presents, before quickly retracting said comment. I may have rolled up bits of labels torn from beer bottles and tried to flick them down her cleavage. Don't you wish I were your boyfriend?
And when we got home we figured what better way to celebrate an anniversary than to try something a bit new on the sexy-time front. So, we played around a little bit with the whole "anal sex" thingy that all the cool kids are talking about nowadays. We didn't break so much in the way of new grounds, as it were, but we took our first tentative steps. We both had great fun, I can tell you.
(5) Thanks to GamCare, a pussy-ass liberal organisation who seems to think there's a problem with the "social impact of gambling in the UK", me and Joss got paid to kick back in the boardroom being told how to deal with "problem gamblers" instead of doing any real work, on Wednesday. It was kind of fun, like being in the war room of Thank You For Smoking, or something.
Our supervisor says we must ask for IDs from new, young-looking customers, because he "wouldn't put it past" these GamCare types to be sending younger-looking types in to test us. When one cashier-type confessed she couldn't really tell a real ID from a fake ID, she was told this wasn't terribly important - as no way would GamCare send someone in with a fake ID! Scandalous!
Said supervisor also read our mission statement for responsible advertising. One aspect of which was that we don't "advertise gambling as a means to a solution for financial problems". "Except", I piped up, "for the football poster we have saying YOU COULD BE A MILLIONAIRE". "Well...". Shocking!
But I love it. I like being in an industry of so-called vice. I kind of think people need a certain amount of "vice" in their lives, and I'm proud to supply one of the few that's legal and un(physically)damaging. Hurrah for gambling!
(6) I started organising the CD collection on Monday. I'm now up to 'L', or more specifically, Tom Lehrer. It's not all fun and games having an impossibly impressive CD collection, I'll have you all know.
(7) Joss and I are entertaining the notion of getting married abroad. Y'know, somewhere warm.
And that's, the news. And now, the weather: