One Year Ago....

Aug 06, 2003 12:10

One year ago exactly today was my due date with Dom...August 6th..i cannot believe its been a year....and what a year its been...1 year ago i was talkign to my belly begging and pleading he would hurry up and come out! 1 year ago i was miserable....10months pregnant....its amazing isnt it? For those who have known me so long...before i was pregnant,during my pregnancy...and this past year i thank you for being there for me...and being my friends...i love you all and respect you more than you'd ever know. Anyways...Monday was pretty and my sister took the kids on the fourwheelers for a little ride..Tuesday me and Dom spent the ENTIRE day outside...we picked blue berries,went swimming,bounced on the trampoline...then went with my mom down the mountain to the eye doctors place,then to pick up my ex-brother in law and take him to a notary about something to do with my neice's insurance....then we came home and me and Dom stayed outside again...we helped my dad cut down limbs off the trees on the hill...then my dad and Dom went on the lawnmower adn me and my neice played...we caught lightning bugs,picked more blueberries...then around 9ish we finally went into the im not sure what im doing..might take Dom down to the neighbors to play with Austin and Charissa, might go with my mom shopping...tomorrow i have to go to the doctors about my back..its still REALLY fucked up from the car accident...i cant hold Dom for very long at a time..and im needing a refill on my medicine...Friday i am going food shopping for Doms bday party...fruit trays,veggie trays,hamburger,hot dogs...stuff like other mom is making taco salad and sloppy joes and my gramma is making macaroni salad*grosse* and then me and my mom are making hamburgers,hot dogs,potatoe salad,the veggie and fruit trays..and i know we're gonna have a great time..its supposed to rain the evening...well there is a CHANCE so hopefully it blows over cuz i dont want it to rain on my babys bday!! Oh well if it does..i promise to post pictures and inform everyone about it Saturday night <33333 Ok well im gonna go grab a salad or something to eat.... see ya
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