We are done! Congratulations to all the winners and to all of those that participated. The awards for our winners will be up no later than next Monday (but hopefully by the end of this week).
Behind the cut are the finale standings (8/27/18 - 8/31/18).
hermione2be - 31/31
mmooch - 31/31
jeymien - 4/31
3am_moonlight - 31/31
glitterangelem - 19/31
berifanfic/beriaearwen - 31/31
tvashti - 8/31
jerseyfabulous/grundy -31/31
jedibuttercup - 10/31
shieldage - 2/31
indraleigh - 23/31
twisted_slinky - 2/31
polgara_5 - 1/31
curiouswombat - 4/31
If something looks amiss (IE I counted wrong) please feel free to PM me or leave a comment below.