Aug. 22 - Wands or Kindle?

Aug 22, 2018 23:59

Title: Wands or Kindle?
Author: 3am_moonlight
Crossover: BtVS / Harry Potter (JKR)
Rating: Gen / Teen.
Word Count: 1,301
Timeline: BtVS: S05's The Gift and book 5 (the Order of the Phoenix) of HP.
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss and the Harry Potter 'verse belongs to JKR.
Summary: The confrontation moves from the hospital wing and to the headmaster's office.
Author's Note: Follows ' Unexpected Guest/Introductions', ' Late Night Conversation', ' Early Morning', and ' Confrontation'.

After a while, Buffy raised her voice loud enough to be heard over the screeching from Umbridge. "ENOUGH!" The Toad's mouth closed more at the surprise that someone would interrupt her than a willingness to follow the command. "This is ridiculous. Someone get my clothes and we can go somewhere to talk about this that isn't the hospital wing." The latter sentence was aimed more at the school nurse than anyone else, as she was the one most likely to know to what happened to her outfit.

Madam Pomfrey left the room immediately, presumably to get the clothes so they would all leave her domain. Buffy chose not to be offended, the offensive professor/undersecretary was making quite the spectacle out of herself and the hospital wing was meant to be a quiet place. The Minister appeared to be lost as there were no one there to tell him how to act or which opinions he was supposed to have, or maybe he'd realized the smartest thing to do at this point was to keep his trap shut.

The nurse came back with her clothes before anyone had figured out what to say. A wave of her wand and there was a privacy curtain around her bed so she could dress without an audience. The expression on the woman's face clearly said she disapproved of her patient's choice of apparel, but wisely chose to keep any remarks to herself. Which was appreciated.

White panties, a white brassiere, and her new cute socks with grey kittens on them. Grey pants, blue/grey tank top, and then she put on her black shoes. The last item she put on was the white sweater and then she was good to go. A quick walk around the curtain and she was in full view of both groups again, all of whom had strangely remained entirely silent while she was changing. Weird.

Nurse Pomfrey made the privacy curtain disappear with her wand and apparently that was Mr. Dumbledore cue to remember he was in charge of this particular circus. He led them out of the hospital wind and down a number of staircases before they ended up in front of a particularly ugly gargoyle. That was fine with Buffy, for now.

Harry, Hermione, and their friends seemed to have understood Buffy, the professors, and the Ministry personnel were going to leave so they had left for parts unknown while she'd been behind the curtain. It was a perceptive move on their part, and if they were smart they would tell their fellow students about what they'd overheard. It would undermine both Umbridge and Fudge's authority. Particularly if they told their parents as well.

Dumbledore gave the gargoyle a password in his normal speaking voice, which pretty much made the entire thing moot. Hadn't anyone told him how passwords worked? They were supposed to be secret and not something you revealed to anyone within hearing range. The ugly statue moved aside and revealed a spiral staircase which moved in a way similar to an escalator, the lack of logic made her head hurt a little since Hermione had told her there was no electricity in this building.

It turned out they had arrived at Dumbledore's office and he went straight for the comfy looking chair behind the large mahogany desk on the other side of the room. He waved his wand and conjured six chairs. Deputy Headmistress McGonagall, Minister Fudge, Miss Umbridge, and Buffy took a chair each, but the pink-haired Auror and her nameless partner declined the offer and remained standing by the door at something that reminded her of parade rest. Another wave of Dumbledore's wand and both chairs vanished.

Buffy studied the office, as far as a professional office went it was a mess. Most of the wall space was taken up by shelves filled to the brim with books and the rest were occupied with paintings in all sizes. The occupants' in the paintings were all moving and some of them had even greeted the headmaster and the deputy headmistress. When the two teenagers had said everything was magical here they had clearly meant *everything*.

Her evaluation of the room was interrupted by the man she had privately dubbed 'Sauron' in her own head. As far as appearances went he was a good guy, but her instincts told her to be very careful around him. She blamed the Sauron part on Willow who was adorably obsessed with the first movie in a new Lord of the Rings trilogy.

"Miss Summers, our school nurse has been unable to perform any medical scans on you or to even give you any potions to aid in your recovery. Could you explain to us how this is possible?"

Huh. So that's what that little snippet had been about. The school nurse had been unable to do a magical examination of her physical condition while she had been unconscious. "I don't know."

"How can you not know, Miss Summers? You implied earlier you are a witch and now you don't know?" It seemed the Minister had found his voice again.

"I'm not a witch, Mr. Fudge." He glared and she continued, "I said I'm magical, not that I'm a witch. No one had ever done a magical examination of me before, at least not to my knowledge, so I don't know why it doesn't work." Somehow it didn't seem prudent to explain to these people how non-magical examination worked.

"Then explain how professor Snape became hysterical and had to be put in a magical coma after he attempted to examine you!" Umbridge's question was rude, but Buffy couldn't help but look confused.

"Who is professor Snape and what did he try to do?"

Dumbledore took over the explanation, "Professor Snape attempted to use a rare magical skill called Legilimancy in an attempt to learn how to help you." Buffy frowned, her Latin wasn't great but the wizard's words seemed sketchy and carefully chosen.

"'Mens' meaning 'mind' and 'legili' or 'legere', meaning 'to read'. Or it's secondary meaning 'to collect' or 'to choose'. Are you saying he attempted to mind rape me?" She glared, both because of the unknown man's actions and what she suspected Dumbledore had attempted to do before Umbridge and Fudge arrived. Clearly, he'd been much more careful and not as invasive since he wasn't comatose in the hospital wing, but it didn't excuse his actions in any way. "Is that what *you* attempted to do before I distracted you?"

The old wizard looked first shocked, then uncomfortable, before he returned his face to his grandfatherly smile again. It seemed that was his 'cop face' or 'blank face, the expression he used when he tried to hide his feelings.

"Now, Miss Summers, we were merely trying to help you. None of us were able to scan you so we could help you recover from your injuries and entering your mind to find the cause was the only solution we could think of that might've helped."

The discussion quickly deteriorated from there and ended with Umbridge attempting to get the Aurors to arrest both Buffy and Dumbledore. They still refused, an action which caused her to try and curse both of them. Or it might've been something else, but as soon as the wand pointed in the Slayer's direction she moved and two seconds later she was holding an unusually short wand in one hand and three more wands in her right hand.

Buffy transferred all of them to her right hand and then held them up, "You are all going to sit down and you're going to behave like adults and not spoiled children. If you don't, then these will go from being magical wands to becoming kindle."

Amazingly her threat worked for a little while.

fandom: harry potter, author: 3am_moonlight, !2018 august event

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