Aug 12 - Buffy’s AU Beginnings - Man O’ Mann (FR-15)

Aug 12, 2018 19:34

Aug 12 - Buffy’s AU Beginnings - Man O’ Mann (FR-15)
Author: mmooch
Chapter Summary: Rossi tries to help Buffy. **Part of the 2018 LiveJournal’s Twisted Shorts FaD** challenge.
Crossover: Criminal Minds, NCIS
Rating: FR-13
Word count: 727
Challenge: for the livejournal 2018 August Fic-a-Day Challenge.
Timeline: right after previous chapter for the story and season 4 for NCIS
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. I claim no rights to any copyrighted material. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.

BAU Airplane

David leaned back in his seat, considering what Aaron said about Katrina/Mercy. Could they save her from becoming an unsub? Perhaps…if they could get her into a loving home in time.

It would help if they knew more about her backstory. If she was raised in a mob family, violence might be too ingrained in her psyche. But what if she hadn’t been? She didn’t seem particularly broken up about the deaths of her parents.

He tapped his fingers on the table in front of him while he considered the possibilities. Then he opened the computer and dinged Penelope.

“What can I do for you, o’ wise and rugged one?” she chirped.

With a grin at her flirtatious behavior, he answered, “I need you to do a search for missing girls in the NY tri-state area, going back about 12 years and matching Katrina’s description.”

“Is there more to the case?” she asked as she began typing.

“No, just trying for a happy resolution, if we can get it,” David admitted. They couldn’t spend a lot of resources on this, but they had a little leeway during their clean-up period.

“Sadly, it is a large number of girls,” Penelope responded, looking at her overflowing screen.

Aaron overheard the conversation and joined in with an idea of his own, “How many of those had parents who were killed at about the same time they disappeared?”

“You think she went through this twice?” she asked in horror. “Oh, that poor girl!”

“She did a very good job assimilating with the family…too good for a girl that age. If she had to do it before, it could explain a lot,” Aaron explained.

There were the sounds of rapid typing and some muffled bad words by the team computer guru. “We’re down to a couple dozen now,” she told them.

“Any of those have involvement with the mob in some way?” David asked, leaning forward.

A couple seconds later, she exclaimed, “Jackpot. About two and a half years ago, Assistant District Attorney Benjamin Stone was killed shortly after his last case as a Manhattan prosecutor - which was against the Russian mob. His adopted daughter, Buffy, went missing the same night.”

“Bring up her photo,” Aaron ordered tersely.

The team gathered around and looked at the little girl on the screen.

“Sure looks like her to me,” Morgan opined. The rest of them agreed. If she wasn’t the same girl, she was her sister.

“What do we do now?” Reid inquired. Knowing her history was interesting, but it ultimately had no bearing on the case.

“You have until we get back to the office to find a family member, Garcia,” Aaron announced. They couldn’t use FBI resources any longer than that.

“Then you best leave me to my computers, sir,” she replied.

“Good luck,” several voices said in almost unison before she clicked off.

BAU office

Penelope looked decidedly nervous when she met the team at the elevators.

“Any luck?” David asked hopefully.

She nodded, “Yes, a distant cousin who happens to live here in the DC area. I’ve already called her and gave her a brief history. She’s coming in tonight for a more detailed discussion with you.”

Morgan could read her face like a book and had to know why she looked like she was caught with her hand in the proverbial cookie jar. “What did you do, baby girl?”

Grimacing at the yelling that would ensue, Penelope quietly answered, “I called the Alabama office and asked them to send Buffy up here for another interview.”

“While you should have gotten approval before doing that, I think it could be a good idea,” Aaron said after a few seconds. “When is the relative getting here?”

“She said about an hour from when I talked to her,” Penelope looked at her watch and added, “Which was about 35 minutes ago.”

“Okay, Rossi and I will stay and talk to her. The rest of you should go home and get some rest. Good work, team,” Aaron commended them.

Penelope handed him a thin folder and explained, “A little background on the woman; she’s career military and works for the CID. Name’s Lt. Colonel Hollis Mann. She sounds tough, sir,” she offered her opinion on the woman’s character from their call.

“Good to know. Get some rest, Penelope,” he replied kindly.

A/N: I considered another chapter of angst for Buffy but decided that I was already over the line for cruelty and what I had planned was Angelus-level sadistic. Next chapter in this fic will be some Hollis/Buffy.

fandom: criminal minds, fandom: ncis, author: mmooch, !2018 august event

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