Title: Another Five Slayers Who Were Never Called
Author: Jedi Buttercup
Rating: T/PG-13
Crossover: Various (Sleepy Hollow; Battle Creek; Sharknado 5; Jurassic World; King Arthur: LOTS)
Spoilers: Mostly Post-"Chosen" for B:tVS; see others above
Disclaimer: The words are mine; the worlds are not.
Notes: A long time back, I did a challenge entry for
Ten Slayers That Were Never Called. And then I revisited the theme here in 2014 with
Five More Slayers. So for my last entry in 2017, I thought I'd add another handful of badass women! (Alas, RL, Rare Pair and Het Big Bang ate most of my time these last couple of weeks.)
Summary: Five Slayers who were never called... and some of the challenges they faced. 500 words.
Marked for What Destiny, Now?
Sleepy Hollow
To be honest, when some strange British guy rocked up at Terrytown Psych in her sister's company, Jenny'd thought the Watcher's Council had finally found her. Corbin had warned her about those guys; Reverend Knapp had told him all about them. She'd had enough of being sacrificed for a higher power's jollies, thanks.
But no; Crane was an entirely other flavor of weird altogether. Also involved in the supernatural. Also dragging Abbie back into it.
Jenny's conscience might be clear, but there was no way she was just going to sit around when there was obviously Slaying to be done.
Long Distance Relationship Barriers
Battle Creek
"Look," the new girl pleaded. "Are you sure I can't tell my boyfriend?"
Even before the Slayer school thing, Buffy'd been exposed to too many wielders of the canine eyes to succumb easily. "Didn't you say he's a cop? The stubborn, dog-with-a-bone kind? That usually gets ugly, unless they've had their own close encounters."
"But he thinks I'm at law school. In Indiana! I'm more worried about him figuring out that's a lie, honestly. If I could just borrow Illyria...."
Buffy pictured the ancient god-thing being asked to visit Cerealtown, USA, and caved.
"If she agrees to behave."
Holly beamed.
One Straw Too Many
Sharknado 5: Global Swarming
Somewhere in the midst of their shark-chasing world tour, Fin made time to ask.
"Nova-- what really made you go looking for that Harness of Dakuwaqa thing anyway? It's kind of a reach from 'caused by climate change' to 'mythical doohickey involved'."
Nova thought about trying to explain the whole Slayer factor, and the 'Sharknado Sisterhood' several of them formed to fight back with the Devon Coven's assistance... and defaulted to a shrugged, "Just followed the clues."
Fin might accept shark-filled tornadoes ripping through space-time for bizarre-science reasons. But demon gods and vampires? That would be one step too weird.
Making Inappropriate Footwear Look Good
Jurassic World
More than a decade after the Mass Calling, Slayers had spread out in all kinds of professions world-wide. They didn't have to Slay if they preferred otherwise; or even report to a Watcher. They were just asked to follow Rule #1, and never to use their powers against humans.
Not even her family suspected the real reason Claire had gladly moved to an island warded against supernatural influence. Still, if there was one thing about her Calling she did appreciate....
Claire waved a flare over her head, and never once wavered as she ran from a Tyrannosaur in high heels.
From Nothing Comes a Slayer
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
She tried not to wonder what had become of her Custos; when the Black Legs caught them out one night he'd told her to run, and she'd never seen him again.
Winding up in Art's brothel hadn't been so bad. Being unable to hunt had bothered her more than having to earn her living. Rescuing as many girls as she could when Mischief John came for them, though, and helping the rebels while Art-- their Art-- challenged the King--
And later, when she found Vortigern's books and realized there were Syrens down below--
Finally, she felt like a Slayer again.