Aug 22 - Buffy Hits NYC (Part 3) (FR-15)

Aug 22, 2017 20:47

Aug 22 - Buffy Hits NYC (Part 3) (FR-15)
Author: mmooch
Chapter Summary: **Part of the 2017 LiveJournal’s Twisted Shorts FaD** challenge. Buffy finds herself up against John and the Machine when she visits New York City.
Crossover: Person of Interest; Castle
Rating: FR-15
Word count: 959
Challenge: for the livejournal 2017 August Fic-a-Day Challenge. Not part of my Origins collection.
Timeline: post-series for BtVS; vague for PoI & Castle (probably first season for Castle, though).
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. Person of Interest characters belong to Jonathan Nolan, et al. Castle characters belong to Andrew W. Marlowe, et al. I claim no rights to any copyrighted material. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.

New York City

Buffy was lucky that she could fly to NYC when her ‘friend’ couldn’t…or more likely, wouldn’t. If he really had the help of Wolfram & Hart, a small thing like flight restrictions wouldn’t be a problem for them. She just hoped that he’d make his move soon.

It was getting harder and harder to tail Castle without getting caught. She was sure that tall, dark and yummy was around somewhere, keeping tabs on both her and Castle. While she hadn’t seen him again, she could feel him nearby. Plus, he was skilled enough that she wasn’t able to get a picture of him to send to Willow, and something was stopping her from hacking into the surveillance cameras in the area.

There had been an internet search on Buffy, but she knew that it had already been scrubbed by Willow and Oz (working separately). Anything having to do with her legal difficulties in high school only existed on paper and warehoused in some musty old building somewhere. She wasn’t even sure if they could get her name using her picture.

In the shadows of the alley, she saw what she was waiting for. He finally had made it to New York and wasn’t wasting time going after his target. She just had to make it to Castle first and ‘spill’ Willow’s potion on him before fighting her enemy. She got the bottle ready.

After a few minutes, Castle came out…with his daughter. Damn it! Hopefully, there would be enough potion for both of them. She widened the hole at the top of her bottle and started walking towards the pair. Crap, she could feel TD&Y closing in on her, so she had to abandon her original plan to make it look like an accident.

Without getting too close, Buffy suddenly threw the bottle at the father and daughter, hoping that they got splashed with at least some of the potion to buy them some protection from their attacker. “Sorry!” she said over her shoulder while she homed in on her prey in the alley.


From a few feet away, Reese paused in confusion. He fully expected her to injure his number, but other than being a little wet, he looked fine. “Are you two alright?” he asked, seeing if maybe it was some kind of weak acid or alkaline that took longer to affect them.

“Blackberry smoothie isn’t my favorite, but it’s not the end of the world,” Castle remarked with a grin. “She must not have liked it either,” he added as he wiped the fruit off his face.

“Let’s get home, so we can clean up, Dad,” Alexis requested, getting a nod from Castle. They walked off without any concern.

Reese considered whether he should follow them or the woman. He decided on the woman when Castle and his daughter got into a sports car and sped off down the street.

He turned into the alley to find her fighting…Castle?

But this Castle was wearing a Priest’s outfit, complete with collar. Although, his language was decidedly not priest-like.

“You whore!” the man spat at the blonde Reese had followed. “I won’t let you stop me from killing that imposter!”

“Caleb, Caleb, Caleb,” she said as she ducked a punch. “I don’t think you understand the meaning of the word imposter. See, he’s not trying to be a misogynistic monster who gets off on killing women, so you can’t really say he’s trying to be you,” she explained after landing a punch that twisted the guy around.

Reese heard her words, put them together with Caleb’s and decided that at least for now, he’d help her fight this guy. He pulled his gun and shot both kneecaps.

Normally, this would down a guy for good.

But Caleb just cursed him, closed his eyes for a moment and stood back up. “After I kill you two, I’m going after Castle and destroying him for being such a disgrace to my image. Living with his mother and daughter when he should have killed them both years ago.”

“Thanks for attempting to help, TD&Y, but you’re kind of out of your league if you think bullets are an answer,” the blonde said to Reese.

From out of nowhere, she pulled a bladed weapon that made Caleb pale and back up.

The blonde smiled and moved forward. “I see you remember the weapon you tried to keep from me. I’ve gotten better at using it, too.”

Just when he thought Caleb would make a run for it, the crazed man decided to charge the blonde in the hope that he could get the weapon away from her.

He was very much mistaken.

As soon as he was close enough, she swung the blade and took his head off.

Part of Reese was wondering where she got the weapon from and how she planned to dispose of the body, but then the police sirens interrupted his musings and he had to leave, “The police are coming, so you should get out of here,” he warned the blonde.

“Mr. Reese, I have finally uncovered some information on your mysterious blonde,” Finch chose that moment to speak into his ear.

He waited until he was far enough away from the alley so she couldn’t hear him, “I’ll be there in a few minutes. The crisis has been averted…I think.”

They were confused when the police chatter didn’t mention anything about a headless corpse in the alley where shots were fired. What did Buffy Summers do with the body? She wasn't carrying anything when she came out of the alley, not even the weapon she used. And how had she cleaned the scene of any forensic evidence in that short amount of time?

A/N: My idea back when I first thought of this plot was that Buffy found out that a resurrected Caleb was targeting somebody and went to stop him, but got mistaken for the perpetrator by Reese and Finch, who got Castle’s number.

!2017 august event, fandom: castle, author: mmooch, fandom: person of interest

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