Title: Where In The World Was Clint Barton - #19
Author: Beriaearwen
Characters: Clint, Xander, Cap
Crossover: Buffy The Vampire Slayer / Avengers (movieverse)
Rating: Suitable for people over 13
Word Count: 1245
Notes: This is a flashback fic set post “Captain America: Civil War”.
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Mutant Enemy, etc. The characters of the Avengers belong to Marvel, etc.
The rain pounded on the roof of the house, trapping the team inside for the moment. Wanda had gone off to meditate in her room, Scott was in the kitchen doing something. Cap was staring out the window at the rain and Clint was idly going through is arrows, checking the fletchings.
“I never did find out where Fury sent you during that whole incident with bringing down SHIELD,” Steve observed, breaking the stillness of the room.
“Really?” Clint asked, an amused look appearing on his face. “I suppose it's not really classified anymore.”
Steve turned to look at him when the silence dragged on for a few minutes.
“Trying to figure out where to start,” Clint assured with a slight smile. “There's a bit of backstory to it, and some secrets that aren't mine - or SHIELD's - that I don't want to reveal.”
“Tell me what you can.”
Clint nodded and resettled himself in his chair. “I got a call from someone who'd helped me out a few years ago. They were headed into a tight spot...”
Two Weeks Prior To Events in “Captain America: Winter Soldier”
Clint didn't take his eyes off his target as he reached for his phone to answer it. “Hello.”
“Hi. Clint? It's Xander. Can you talk?” the voice on the other end of the line asked.
“Sure,” Hawkeye agreed, taking the arrow from the bow and storing both away. He was at the rifle range working on his distance shots. He'd just finished with his gun and was not working with his bow. “What's up?”
“Uh, well...” the younger man began, the uncertainty in his voice drawing Clint's attention. “You know how they say real friends will help you hide the body?”
That got his attention. He sat straight, all his focus on the conversation. “Xander...”
“Well, we don't need to worry about hiding them, well, not for long since these will be self-cleaning, but we need help getting everyone trained to get them in that condition so they will self-clean.”
“You know I'm not bad up close....”
“There will be like an army of these in three different areas. We'll need to split our forces. Given some of what they're capable of, it would be best if we could take out as many as possible from a distance.”
“Immune to all but her power of cuteness and that probably won't stop them.”
“All right. How long to train and when's the big day?”
“Anywhere from two weeks to two months, we're still working out the signs.”
“What about Fury?”
“We're not going through him, you know our issue.”
A sigh escaped Clint. “I really don't think Hydra's in SHIELD.”
“Be that as it may, as long as we're convinced there's an octopus problem, we're going to go around them.”
“So... Initiative?”
“Yeah. We're calling in Graham and the others as well.”
“We'll have a plane ready for you tonight at six. Will that give you time to get home?”
“Yeah. It'll make Laura happy too.”
“Why's that?”
“She knows if I'm working with you, then you'll do everything possible to see me home safely.”
The younger man's laughter echoed through the phone. “To do otherwise would just be rude. Six tonight.”
“I'll be there.”
Current time - Safehouse
“So you went to help them,” Steve stated. It wasn't a question for him. He believed in Clint that much.
“So I went to help them.”
“Are they some type of military organization, or agency like SHIELD?”
“Not, exactly,” Clint demurred. Taking a breath, he met Cap’s eyes. “How much do you know about the… supernatural side of life?”
“Vampires and monsters?” Cap checked to be sure he understood. When Clint nodded, he continued, “I know they’re real. During the war there were… Post-battle there were things that haunted the battlefield. Not everyone who bled out before the medics came bled out from war wounds.”
Clint silently nodded, acknowledging both Steve’s words and the loss of lives from so many years ago. “There’s was an assignment in Sunnydale California that I was seconded to in order to subdue and study “Hostile Sub-Terrestrials”. It was… if it wasn’t Hydra, it was as bad as. The people I’d be working with saved as many of us as they could. That’s when we found out there was a centuries old organization who handled such things world-wide. The group I’d run into took over that organization a few years ago. Those of us they saved, if they ask, we answer. And they rarely ask. If they do ask, it’s usually just knowledge they seek.”
“So the threat had to be something really big if they wanted you fighting.”
Clint nodded. “It was. At least as big as the Chitauri.”
During “Captain America: Winter Soldier
“How many?” asked a disbelieving voice from somewhere near the middle of the room.
“At least three divisions. And that would be the equivalent of a US division since those are the only ones I know,” Xander informed.
“We have narrowed down the entry points to these three locations,” Buffy said, pointing to the three large X marks on the virtual map. “They may come through one, two or all three locations. Because of that, we're going to be splitting up. We'll have three main attack teams, one team at headquarters and one ready to move to whatever location may need them or divide into smaller squads if needed. We will be working for long distance as long as possible. These aren't the nastiest we've ever faced, but the sheer number of them will cause problems.”
“Are they flammable?” asked a young voice.
“No more so than anything else,” Willow replied with a small smile. “And try not to follow too closely in Buffy's footsteps.”
Clint smirked as soft laughter rolled through the room. The Scoobies had never been shy about using their own adventures as teaching points for new Slayers and Watchers, so everyone knew about the infamous, “smoking mice”, rocket launcher, fertilizer bomb and the flame thrower she'd managed to use in Belize.
Current Time in Wakanda
“Sound like a good group,” Steve observed as Clint rose to get something to drink.
“They are. They know their jobs and know when they need help. It's good they know how to ask for it.”
“Not everyone does.”
“How bad were the losses?”
“Not as bad as they should have been. The training paid off, but then, even one loss it one too many.”
“I understand.”
“So, what about you? What didn't make it into the official report from that adventure?”
“There was a report?” Steve asked with a wry smile.
Clint laughed. “Well, given that there nowhere to file it, I suppose it's not official.”
“Did Tasha tell you about the kiss?”
Clint almost choked on the sip of liquid he'd just taken. “You kissed Tasha?”
“It was for a cover.” Steve held Clint's eye for another moment before his shoulders slumped. “It was awful. It was like what I think kissing my sister would be like.”
Their combined laughter filled the room. “Tell me all the details.”
“Well, we were on the run...”