Title: New To the Neighborhood
Author: Indra Leigh
Rating: FR13
Crossover: BtVS and Cougar Town
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Cougar Town Summary: Buffy and Dawn move to a new town and meet a neighbor.
Timeline/Setting: Set the fall after Chosen and during the later part of season 1 for Cougar Town
Author's notes(if any): nope. It’s fanfic…. Cue hand waving for ages and dates of characters.
“Why did you pick to come here?” Dawn asked Buffy as they carried in boxes from the moving truck.
“Everything we liked from California except for the hellmouth.” Buffy explained setting down a trunk of weapons in the middle of the living room.
“How are you going to patrol without any of the neighbors getting suspicious?”
“Improvise? Claim that I love midnight strolls?”
Buffy didn’t have to listen to what ever Dawn was taking a breath to say since the doorbell rang.
“Hello?” Dawn couldn’t see who Buffy was greeting at the door and didn’t hear a response so she started to tip toe closer.
“Oh, I’m Willie’s cousin. He said he thought you would be moving in and I should come over and introduce myself.” The skinny bald man explained hurriedly after getting the critical eye from Buffy.
“Me! Yes. I’m Tom. It’s nice to meet you. I think.” Tom rambled, nervous at meeting strangers, especially a stranger who happened to be a slayer.
“What can you tell us about the neighbors?” Buffy asked gesturing to a table and chairs in the side lawn.
“Those houses go to work and come home and don’t really go out or have company over much. The other houses are back and forth all the time. Grayson lives alone in that house but he’s dating Jules who lives over there. Jules lives with her son who is a senior in high school. Their next door neighbors are Ellie and Andy. It’s kinda like one big house but the builder forgot to connect all the rooms. Jules’s ex husband Bobby drives a golf cart and Laurie who works for her is over a lot too. They can be easily distracted by wine and they like people who like or make wine. As crazy as they are, I think they are all human. Not a demon in the bunch.” Tom explained nodding to each house.
Dawn brought out sodas for everyone to drink while Tom shared some stories of the neighborhood.
A front door opened and four people walked out as Tom narrated, “Jules, Ellie, Andy, Laurie, and Bobby walking over to Grayson’s house and walking right on in. He probably didn’t invite them. And that is Grayson smashing plates until he only has one left. He tried to do the same thing with coffee mugs but it didn’t work. They used bowls instead.”
“Are you sure they aren’t demons?” Dawn asked watching Grayson walk over to Jules’s house.
“Pretty sure.” Tom said leaning back in his chair. These new neighbors were looking to be nice sensible people.
Fandom tag request : Cougar Town