
Aug 09, 2016 23:18

Author: JakeDaMan
Rating: FR18
Crossover: “DC Comics, Marvel Comics”
Written for: TtH August Fic A Day Challenge
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. DC Comics Characters belong to DC Comics. Marvel Comics Characters belong to Marvel Comics. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.
Summary: YAHF - Following Cursebreaker's Challenge #7859: A new costume + a new reality = a change of pace ( ).
Unable to get the last toy gun from Ethan's, Xander gets leftover parts of X-men costumes and becomes a new type of hero... in the DC Universe!

“Did I faint in a manly way?” Cisco asked upon awakening.

Harry snorted, saying, “Well, back to land of the living Mr. Ramone.”

“Cisco, Harry. The name is Cisco.” he muttered.
Harry just snorted again and stomped out of the sickbay. His daughter, the beautiful Jesse Quick, smiled sadly and said, “You know that he at least respects you, right?”

Cisco said, “Be that as it may, I’ve got to go and get drunk and make several inept passes at women that will get me slapped to regain some man-creds.”

She giggled, slapped his arm saying, “Don’t be so silly.”

“No, he’s right. He’s got to regain some man-creds.” a voice called from the door.

“Man! How could you live there and want to go back?” Cisco asked, “I mean… Vampires and demons and werewolves. Oh My!”

Xander chuckled saying, “Okay Dorothy. Seriously, it’s not that bad or any different from here. Here you’ve got man-sharks, living tar pits, and supervillains. Oh My! It’s almost like a… comic… book….”

Sharing a concerned look Cisco and Jesse moved towards Xander with Cisco asking, “You okay Xander?”

Xander shook himself, his eyes refocusing, said, “I just got some more flashes. Comic books of superheroes me and my bestest buds, Willow and Jesse, used to read.” he paused, stood straight while hugging himself and almost whispered, “One of them was called… The Flash.”

Alarm growing Cisco called out to the side, “Oh Barry? You may want to hear this!”

* * * *

A short explanation later…

Gathering his thoughts Barry said, “Okay, there is the Green Arrow in Star City, but there is not a city called Gotham or Metropolis. So, no Batman or Superman. There hasn’t been any mention of a Wonder Woman or a Diana Prince…”

Cisco interrupted with, “Uh, Barry? You might wanna hold that thought on Diana Prince.”

Pinching the bridge of his nose Barry sighed, Harry snorted (again), and Joe just threw his hands in the air saying, “That’s it. I give up! There just crawling out of the wood work now!”

Cisco just held out his hand to accept the ten-dollar bill Joe ripped out of his wallet saying, “You mean, you’re gonna stop betting against me when it comes to Meta’s?”

Joe just grumbled and mumbled something about America’s Youth and not respect as Barry sighed asking, “What you got Cisco?”

“World War II. There are news prints and pictures of a Xena look-a-like and the news nets that pertain to her say that she was witnessed showing, and I quote; ‘Superman like streangth and speed’; unqote.”

Xander perked up and asked, “Wait, they said Superman, not Superhuman?”

“Yeah,” Cisco said, “Seems there was a guy back in the day who called himself Superman. He was Super strong, faster than a normal human - but not as fast as you Barry -, and was proclaimed bulletproof. He was clocked as running several times faster than the fastest train of the times. He could leap a tall building in a single bound, but remember this was before today’s skyscrapers. There are photos of him ‘Tank-tipping’ during the war.”

“Wow.” Barry said, “Why wasn’t this in the history books?”

“Because they were also seen at several USO shows and passed off as publicity stunts. The rest was Top Secret.” Cisco explained.

“Oh Ceesco!” Barry said, “Deed hue hack da Pentagon? Again?”

“No Poncho! Ees all on de dark web!” Cisco replied.

Xander cracked up at that, everyone else just looked a little confused. Looking around Xander asked, “What? You guys never watched The Cisco Kid on Saturday mornings?”

Harry just said, “All right, that’s enough. Time to get to the practical tests!”

Xander said, “Oh yay. I get to see the world!”

“Mr. Harris, just… let’s go.”

* * * *
They ran. Barry and Xander ran as fast and as far as they could go until Barry realized he was running by himself. Retracing his steps, he found Xander at the top of the tallest building in Central City.

“You all right Xander?” Barry asked.

“Yeah, just enjoying the view.” Xander said, “Also, was struck dumb with the memory and realization that there is no city on my world called Central City.”

Meeting Barry’s concerned gaze Xander said, “I don’t know If I’ll ever get home!”

fandom: dc comics, author: jakedaman, fandom: the flash, !2016 august event

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